[governance] Moving Foreward into the 2015 Agenda
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de
Sat Nov 22 04:17:50 EST 2014
Der all,
we had a lot of discussions about pros and cons around NMI. This has helped to clear the air. Now we know better the arguments of the different groups. Transparency is always good. But we should not forget that the challenges for 2015 are much broader than NMI. We should come back to a more forward looking and constructive approach and concrete plans for the 2015 Internet Governance Agenda, which is fully packed.
I repeat my proposal to start a discussion what the priorities and most urgent projects should be for Civil Society organisations for the global Internet Governance discussion in the post NetMundial Phase. We have numerous (old and new) channels where we can raise our voices, either individually or collectivly (if possible). Here is my list of venues where we have to do something in 2015. Probably there are some more. Please add if I have forgotten something:
1. IGF MAG Meeting in early December in Geneva and preparations for the 10th IGF in Brazil (November 2015);
2. Conclusions from the Interesessional UNCSTD Meeting (November 2014) and preparation for the regular May 2015 Meeting of UNCSTD in Geneva (What we will do with the ongoing mapping process started by the "Correspondence Group"?)
3. We Need a strategy how to start our involvement into the WSIS 10+ process. Should we accept to be excluded from the final discussions and negotiations, scheduled for December 2015 in New York?
4. Do we have a position with regard to the Brazilian-German initiative in the UN General Assembly in the right of privacy? Should we publish a Statement to Support the Establishment of a Special Rapporteur for Privacy under the HRC?
5. Do we have anything to say if the 2nd Committee of the UNGA adopts ist new Resolution on ICT on Development? If the renewal of the IGF Mandate is not made in December 2014, should we prepare a Statement with our proposals?
6. Do we have a position with regard to the Cybersecurity issues discussed by the Group of Governmental Experts under the 1st Committeee of the UN General Assembly? Should we make a statement on Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) for the Cyberspace?
7. What we will do with the invitation by the ITU to have open consultations before the closed meetings of the ITU Council Working Group on Internet Governance, as it was decided in Busan?
8. Do we have anything to say with regard to the work of the Global Commission on Internet Governance (Bildt Commission)? They prepare a report for January 2016? Any input from our side?
9. Do we have something to say to the plans of the BRICS countries to prepare a cybersecurity convention? The next BRICS Summitt Meeting is planned for July 2015 in Ufa/Russia. Are we here silent?
10. How to make use of the Net Mundial follow up? Should we use the NMI to launch projects which CS sees as important (training, education, human rights assessment procedures for national and international Internet related public policy making, access to broadband, net neutrality, privacy in the Internet of Things etc.).
11. Should we contribute more activly to the open processes under ICANN (IANA stewardship tranisiton and ICANN accountrability)
12. Should we have a look into the work of the IETF after their Honolulu meeting and the discussion on human rights?
13. Do we have any ideas how to move forward with national multistakeholder Internet Governance IGFs/platforms?
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