[governance] IGC Statement in response to NTIA's announced intent to relinquish role in IANA functions

Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 00:21:22 EDT 2014

I should also add that it should read.."We support"...instead of "we

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> wrote:

> And were responding to NTIA's proposal for a process to transition the
> IANA functions to the global multistakeholder community, not to "relinquish
> its oversight role of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
> (ICANN)"
> Best,
> Adam
> On Mar 18, 2014, at 1:06 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > I welcome your edits, Sala - would you also consider adding some text to
> state what value civil society can contribute to this process?
> >
> > Neutrality, Disinterested (in the good sense of the term) policy
> expertise etc.
> >
> > --srs (iPad)
> >
> > On 18-Mar-2014, at 7:49, "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro" <
> salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Dear Mawaki, De, Ian, Suresh et al,
> >>
> >> I am attaching my comments on the final draft and have edited it a bit.
> Tracked changes are shown in the version attached for your records.
> Apologies for the delayed response - just recovered from the dengue and was
> on bereavement leave. Really great to see the comments coming through.
> >>
> >> Here are some comments and thoughts on the matter.
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Sala
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Deirdre Williams <
> williams.deirdre at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Mawaki in the final line I think you intended "governance institution"
> without the "Internet"?
> >> Deirdre
> >>
> >>
> >> On 18 March 2014 00:03, Mawaki Chango <kichango at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Dear All,
> >> Shall we call for consensus on the following statement? Thanks. Mawaki
> >>
> >>
> >> On March 14, U.S. Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and
> Information Administration (NTIA) announced its intent to relinquish the
> oversight role it has played so far with the Internet Corporation for
> Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regarding key Internet domain name
> functions.
> >>
> >> The Internet Governance Caucus (IGC) welcomes this decision and
> appreciates the opportunity for these functions and the stewardship of the
> Internet domain name system (DNS) to further evolve toward a governance
> model that is truly global and widely accepted. IGC particularly
> acknowledges with satisfaction the reiteration by NTIA of the necessity to
> involve all stakeholders in the process as well as in the subsequent
> arrangements completing the transition toward a stakeholders-led
> administration of the DNS (what NTIA has been referring to as  the
> privatization of the DNS.)
> >>
> >> IGC supports the multi-stakeholder policy making model as an inclusive,
> bottom-up, consensus driven model that enhances democracy by its
> inclusiveness of all people from around the world who might be affected by
> its policy decision outcomes. We understand the multi-stakeholder
> governance model as distinct from the "inter-governmental" model, from the
> private sector led model, as well as from a model that only accommodates
> technical standards setting groups. In the inclusive spirit of that model,
> we stand ready to work with all stakeholders and make sure effective
> consideration is given to the concerns and views of Internet users,
> citizens and civil society organizations across the world.
> >>
> >> Also supportive of the four principles put forward by NTIA to guide
> ICANN and the global Internet community in the formulation of a transition
> proposal, the Caucus wishes to particularly emphasize the need for
> maintaining the openness and the global availability of the Internet while
> continuously improving on its security and at the same time preserving and
> furthering Civil Liberties for all Internet users around the globe.
> >>
> >> In this process, IGC urges the international community and the global
> Internet community to give a particular attention to the cost structure
> associated with the emerging governance framework so as to make effective
> participation affordable for developing nations and related Internet
> stakeholders.
> >>
> >> Finally, the Internet Governance Caucus expresses hope that the
> globalization of the IANA function will eventually become more complete
> with an internationally appropriate and neutral judicial framework, and
> that suitable and effective accountability and transparency mechanisms will
> be established for the new global Internet governance institution.
> >>
> >> The Internet Governance Caucus
> >> March xx, 2014.
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> "The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir
> William Arthur Lewis, Nobel Prize Economics, 1979
> >>
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> >>
> >> <Tracked edits on Final Draft Statement by Mawaki and IGC_ST.docx>
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