[governance] Re: [discuss] U.S. to Give Up Oversight of Web Policymaking Body

Ken Stubbs kstubbs at afilias.info
Sat Mar 15 09:43:47 EDT 2014

Speaking personally here !

Paraminder & others..

I constantly see specific references to " being free from USG ties is 
being free from application of US jurisdiction "

What are you referring to here ? Certainly not contract jurisdiction.  
ICANN has very significant numbers of
contracts (i.e. registry, registrar etc)  .. all with US (i.e. 
California domicile).  These contracts go on for years
and jurisdiction cannot be changed without agreement of all the 
contracted parties.

So far I have seen very few specific examples of exactly what the impact 
of the change would be .
The only real impact I see would be the preclusion of the US blocking a 
re-delegation of a CCTLD administration
for some political motive, which by the way, to the best of my 
in the 20 years I have been involved in this process.

Is this where all the concerns lie ?

Ken Stubbs

On 3/15/2014 7:32 AM, parminder wrote:
> On Saturday 15 March 2014 04:38 PM, McTim wrote:
>> For a very long time indeed, many have asked for the US to relinquish 
>> their role.  Now they have signaled their willingness/readiness to do 
>> so.
>> In practical terms, I see ICANN "floating free" from its USG ties. 
>>  That is what i got out of the Press Conference last night anyway 
>> (although I dialed in late) so may be mistaken.
> Yes, you are wrong, free from USG ties is being free from application 
> of US jurisdiction, which more significant part has not changed at 
> all, unless of course USG plans to give away that as well, which would 
> be really really appreciated... Any idea if that is planned?
> parminder
>> rgds,
>> McTim
>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Pranesh Prakash 
>> <pranesh at cis-india.org <mailto:pranesh at cis-india.org>> wrote:
>>     McTim [2014-03-14 18:43]:
>>         This is a very large step. am hoping all those who decry the
>>         use of the
>>         term "globalisation" of Internet Governance will rejoice in
>>         its use here.
>>     McTim, I'd be interested in knowing why exactly you see this as
>>     being "a very large step".
>>     In practical terms, what do you see as the significant and
>>     important changes this will lead to?
>>     -- 
>>     Pranesh Prakash
>>     Policy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
>>     T: +91 80 40926283 <tel:%2B91%2080%2040926283> | W:
>>     http://cis-india.org
>>     -------------------
>>     Access to Knowledge Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law
>>     School
>>     M: +1 520 314 7147 <tel:%2B1%20520%20314%207147> | W:
>>     http://yaleisp.org
>>     PGP ID: 0x1D5C5F07 | Twitter: https://twitter.com/pranesh_prakash
>> -- 
>> Cheers,
>> McTim
>> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A 
>> route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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