[bestbits] Re: [governance] need for regulation ....

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Mon Mar 10 16:03:12 EDT 2014

If you seriously believe Lessig's idealistic buzzwords in an entirely different context are somehow relevant to this discussion, or to the premises of that just net coalition you have been stitching together, I am not quite persuaded of the utility of your bringing your text to netmundial at all.  Still, it is a free country and a multistakeholder process .. anything goes.

--srs (iPad)

> On 11-Mar-2014, at 0:53, Guru गुरु <Guru at ITforChange.net> wrote:
> Guru,
>> You are arguing that the Google search algorithm is a public good and must be regulated as  such.
>> I am saying Google is just another - firm in a dominant position whose secret sauce is a closely guarded trade secret. Unlike Coke's secret formula, Google's changes often; but it is still a trade secret if that's the way the business operates. 
> Lee
> No comparison between coke's formula and google's search algorithm
> Code is law and architecture is policy...  
> Please read http://www.stanford.edu/class/msande91si/www-spr04/readings/week3/Lessig-pcforum.pdf or http://harvardmagazine.com/2000/01/code-is-law-html
> Guru
>> So yes my view is that in spite of all appearances of present invincibility, odds are Google is just another firm with dominant products in markets, at a particular point in time. 
>> Which usual government regulatory proceedings can handle without resorting to a global regulatory takings process whose likelihood of success is somewhere around highly unlikely; is all I am saying. It would be a good topic for IGF.
>> The concept of 'search neutrality' never got much traction, but it is definitely legitimate for the Indian, and European, and US regulators to consider the market impact of Google search results and address them if there is evidence of abuse of a dominant position. 
>> Which, cough cough, well let's wait til the dust/smoke settles, but certainly smells like Google has grown up to the point it may safely be forecast that they will be operating under various competition policy regulatory reviews for years to come. 
>> Congrats? ; )
>> Lee 
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