[governance] Just Net Coalition

David Sullivan dsullivan at globalnetworkinitiative.org
Mon Jun 30 14:18:26 EDT 2014

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote:

> Chantal Lebrument <chlebrum at gmail.com> wrote, in response to David
> Sullivan <dsullivan at globalnetworkinitiative.org>:
> > I agree with you: JNC must have a boilerplate asap to make more
> > visible coalition basis.
> Is this sufficient?
> “Just Net Coalition was formed, and the initial text of Delhi
> Declaration adopted by acclaim, at a global meeting of civil society
> actors which took place in New Delhi on 14th and 15th of February.
> Please find the list of attendees appended below. The definitive
> membership of the Just Net Coalition is right now being confirmed and
> will be published in a few weeks - there are many who wanted to be at
> the meeting and could not, or are otherwise interested to be JNC
> members, whereas it is possible that some who attended the meeting
> might not finally confirm their membership.”
> (That is the text currently at the top of the “About” page.)
> Greetings,
> Norbert
> co-convenor, Just Net Coalition

What I could not find on the website, and is lacking from this text, is a
description of how statements are drafted/edited/approved.

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