[governance] Call for Nominations - Brazil committees
Ian Peter
ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Thu Jan 2 16:56:10 EST 2014
Hi Carolina,
because the names are being gathered on various mailing lists (IGC, Best Bits, Diplo, NCSG) I don’t know, and wont know until after nominations close and we gather all nominations together. I will publish a list here when it has been compiled.
The only name raised here so far is Louis Pouzin, but there are certainly others elsewhere. (and we certainly encourage more).
From: Carolina Rossini
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 8:42 AM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org ; Ian Peter
Subject: Re: Fw: [governance] Call for Nominations - Brazil committees
What are the names so far, pls?
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
Just a reminder re this – nominations close midnight UTC January 7.
From: Ian Peter
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2013 3:41 PM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org
Subject: [governance] Call for Nominations - Brazil committees
This is a call for nominations to represent civil society on planning committees in preparations for the “Global Multistakeholder Meeting on Internet Governance”, to be held in Sao Paulo Brazil on April 23 and 24 2014.
• Committee No. 1: Multistakeholder HighLevel Committee (HLC)
This committee will set the high level political tone and objectives of the
conference. Committee members will engage on a global level with stakeholders to
encourage participation in the conference and maximize its chances of success.
This committee will include 4 civil society representatives.
• Committee No. 3: Multistakeholder Executive Committee (EC)
This committee owns the full responsibility of organizing the event, including: defining
conference purpose/agenda, managing invitations, organizing input received into a coherent set of proposals for the conferees to address, managing conference proceedings and process, and directing all communications activities pre/during/post conference. This committee will include 2 civil society representatives
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is midnight UTC 7 January 2014.
If you are interested, you are invited to send a brief biography and a statement of relevant background and experience in response to this topic, or if you would prefer, you can send it to ian.peter at ianpeter.com (pending the appointment of a replacement IGC representative on the co-ordination group). At the closing date for nominations, nominations submitted to various civil society networks will be compiled and assessed by the Civil Society Co ordination Group.
Please indicate clearly at the beginning of your application whether it is for the High Level Committee (HLC) or Executive Committee (EC) or both.
The following factors (among others) will be used to assess the suitability of candidates
1. Able to represent civil society as a whole, not just your individual civil society organisation(s)
2. Able to work collegiately with other stakeholder groups in a multistakeholder setting
3. Able to consult widely with civil society groups and to report back as the process progresses
4. Ability to represent civil society at a senior level in these discussions
5. Broad knowledge of internet governance issues and the range of civil society perspectives on these issues
6. Capacity to participate assertively and creatively
Explanation of process
The civil society coordinating group is a loose peak body that came together this year to facilitate joint civil society participation in several nominating processes. It currently comprises persons from the most active civil society coalitions or networks in the Internet governance space, which in no particular order are the Internet Governance Caucus, Diplo Foundation, Best Bits, the Non Commercial Stakeholder Group of ICANN, and the Association for Progressive Communications. The current liaisons are Virginia Paque, Jeremy Malcolm, Robin Gross and Chat Garcia Ramilo, with Ian Peter as an independent facilitator. Its current composition is imperfect - the boundary between an organisation and network is grey, and so is the scope of "Internet governance". In particular, we are reaching out to other civil society networks to further broaden the inclusiveness of the group and have developed a draft set of criteria to assist in this process.
Likewise, the process for gathering and reaching consensus is also a work in progress, but progressive improvements to the process have been put in place since the group's first nomination. These improvements include refinement of criteria for each member network to consider when putting forward names for consideration. Other suggested changes to the process, such as the use of a randomly-selected nominating committee, have not met with consensual support from within the group and so have not been adopted for this nomination. However, the coordinating group welcomes other suggestions for improvement of the joint process.
Ian Peter
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Carolina Rossini
Project Director, Latin America Resource Center
Open Technology Institute
New America Foundation
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini at gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini
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