[governance] WSIS 10+
Suresh Ramasubramanian
suresh at hserus.net
Mon Aug 4 06:21:47 EDT 2014
Ah, more friendly fire. Wonderful. Civil society can spend its time
wrangling with industry, even industry forces friendly to it, and then we
can all sit back and watch this become a multilateral process.
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal [04/08/14 11:08 +0200]:
>Thanks Wolfgang,
>One or two things that you might be keen to comment as well.
>- Governments are neither blind nor deaf. We cannot assume that governments will not consider all of what has been said, discussed, written over the last 10 years. That would be dishonest. So please do not start do demonize them again.
>- Should the US government had a different stand over the last 10 years, and not just a UN-bashing, other-governments bashing, democracy bashing, univocal stand, status-quoer attitude, we might have made much more progress to have CS (with its diversity of opinions and suggestions) as a stronger participant today. Domination delivers asymmetry, and until we have a democratic MS model to offer, there will be very little progress.
>We all know about the money Google, ICANN, the 5* and others put into the anti 2012 WCIT campaign, in attending any possible venue to shot at 'evil' governments, even the friendly ones. We cannot be surprised by the fact that governments have a voice, and that so far, only one government confiscated the mic among this category of stakeholder. I am not mentioning Sweden, the UK, Japan, and the commonwealth that have aligned themselves with USG for reasons I do not need to explain here.
>It simply means that the multistakehoderism in use so far is greatly responsible for not giving all stakeholders in particular governments and CS, a better and larger representation of views and opinions within its fora.
>So CS should write to USG and ask for a change not only in their tactic and strategy, but in their philosophy about IG governance.
>CS pays for that unilateral thinking by one small group of stakeholders.
>A personal view obviously.
>Le 4 août 2014 à 10:46, Kleinwächter, Wolfgang a écrit :
>> http://www.outlookindia.com/news/article/UN-Adopts-Resolution-on-Bridging-Digital-Divide/852511
>> Outlook India:
>> The resolution decided that the overall review will be concluded in December 2015 by a two-day General Assembly high-level meeting to be preceded by an inter-governmental preparatory process that also takes into account inputs from all relevant stakeholders of WSIS. The intergovernmental negotiation process would begin in June 2015 and lead to an inter-governmentally agreed outcome document for adoption at the UNGA meeting. The process retains the ownership of the preparatory meetings and the final outcome document with member states alone. Mukerji said the resolution ensures that leaders, "at the highest possible level" will meet at the high-level plenary meeting in December next year to adopt the outcome of the intergovernmental negotiations.
>> Wolfgang:
>> One of the big achievements in the WSIS process was that civil society got a voice in the process. A Milestone was the CS WSIS Declaratzion from December 2003 which was handed over to the president of the first summit, WSIS 1. It became an official document. The Tunis Agenda confirmed and enhanced the role of civil society. As you can see from the text above, ten years later this process is back in the hands of "governments only". The final outcome document will be with member states only by taking into account inputs from all relevant stakeholders (which sounds like a joke with the experiences of a enhanced communicartion and cooperation over the last ten years, including the UNCSTD WGs. Should civil society write a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Kin Moon?
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