[governance] Ad hoc Best Bits strategy meeting tomorrow lunchtime

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Sat Oct 26 14:18:18 EDT 2013

At 10:15 26/10/2013, parminder at itforchange.net wrote:
>In the meeting on Wednesday, Chris Disppain clear said that it will be a
>coalition of those who believe..... And as clearly, the next day, Fadi,
>which changing the nomenclature from coalition to platform also clearly
>said there was no other commitment to be made to be a part of the platform
>that a willingness to engage.

You know the trick of the bad and of the good cop?

I remember Chris Disspain promoting ideas of "new" TLD labels at the 
Paris ICANN meeting. He did enjoy it !!!.  No one would have bet a 
penny on a failure either. 5 years ago already: today ICANN has 
produced its first vanity TLDs 
No head line in the press of Beckstorm's revolution of the centurt.....

"Those who believe" might be the knights of the old NOIE 
http://www.noie.gov.au/ - directed by Paul Twomey. When they thought 
that Australia and http://www.argopacific.com/ would rule the 
cyberspace. Some Dilma "communication mini-coup" in view of Oct 24?

Never the less. The "summit" is known as something that could happen. 
It is up to us to make believe it will and it is important, and to 
take advantage from such a belief to construct and advance our own 
propositions (if we have some). http://bramsummit.org looks for a 


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