[governance] RE: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on Internet governance in 2014

Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 23:23:23 EDT 2013

Here is a suggested draft:

We have been following the developments and reports of a World Internet Governance meeting in Brazil in 2014. We would like clarification as to whether this is separate from the Annual  Internet Governance Forum or the same. 

We acknowledge the diverse surmounting issues on internet governance. The Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus comprises of members from around the world and we would like the opportunity to be included in the mailing list for the planned meeting and to allow us to nominate civil society representatives to represent us in the continued deliberations.

We would also like to seek clarification on the scope of the meeting and the general objectives of such a meeting and what the focus areas of discussion would be. 

Yours faithfully,


> On Oct 11, 2013, at 2:15 PM, JFC Morfin <jefsey at jefsey.com> wrote:
> At 02:26 11/10/2013, Ian Peter wrote:
>> I agree with Deborah – lets wait till a bit more information emerges. We can draft a letter which is more meaningful when we have a better idea of the scope, objectives, possible outcomes, likely attendees, and possible processes for the conference. It’s quite likely more information will emerge in the next week or so, therefore I think we should discuss at Bali and before then try to find out a little more.
> +1
> John Curan, Russ Housley, etc. have documented that they have discussed the Montevideo statement with their boards however it only presented their long standing position. In the CS case there is no long standing position since the situation is new. It would neither be nor look serious not to democractically proceed, after having listen to all the inputs from Seoul, Bali, the WGEC preparation, the EU positions, etc.
> jfc
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