[governance] Coordinator elections

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Sat Nov 30 07:41:12 EST 2013

Dear all

In response to my recent posting in which I mentioned a Dec 1
deadline in relation to the coordinator elections, I've been asked
off-list whether that had been formally announced.

Since it's a general rule of thumb that when one person explicitly
asks, probably several others were wondering the same thing, here's
a copy pf the posting in question...



Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:23:30 +1300
<CAJwbTiAuS0GZ1AVx2pBNyU3M9-x7KXNPTL49Ja6PK9eQaFjnpg at mail.gmail.com>
From: "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro"
<salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com>
To: "governance at lists.igcaucus.org" <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>
Subject: [governance] Calls for Nominations for IGC Coordinator

Dear Colleagues,

Further to the *June 6, 2013* notice for calls for coordinator, we are
happy to announce that we will close the calls for nominations on
December 1, 2013.

For several years now each time there has been a coordinator elections,
there has often been dissatisfaction with the candidates or selection of
candidates. We would like to change the pattern this year and this was
why we gave the community ample opportunity to start thinking about
candidates. This year, we started making early calls to start thinking
about nominating someone or standing for the elections for the
2014-2016 term.

We would like to invite you to consider standing by either nominating
yourself or if you think someone would be great for the task, please
liaise with them and nominate them on the list.

*The call for nominations on December, 1, 2013 *to allow for elections.
having served in this position for what will soon be two years, I
thought I should add some reflections that may help those who are
thinking of standing or to encourage people to stand.

*Reflections *
The responsibilities of a co-coordinator is to assist in the
facilitation of discussions, encouraging diverse views to be heard, and
encouraging members to initiate initiatives within the ambit of the
Charter and providing a platform for advocacy. The role and
responsibilities will be an opportunity to manage diverse and sometimes
antagonistic views. It requires strength, courage and emotional
intelligence to manage the responsibilities. For me personally, it has
been an incredible opportunity learning about dealing with diverse
voices and I can say that I have learnt the discipline of restraint
where at times I have had to hold back my view because facilitators
have to have some form of neutrality and act in the best interests of
the IGC community.

Whoever gets elected, you can rest assured that you can count on the
assistance of former coordinators when from time to time things needs
to be clarified or you would like to draw from the counsel of the
majority before deliberating on decisions. It is also an exciting time
for Internet Governance.

The co-coordinator will be immersed in intense preparation with the IGC
community as it prepares for things to commit to next year, generally
with the IGC, Rio Meeting and other foras.

*Current Nominations Received*

   1. Deirdre Williams
   2. x
   3. x

Kind Regards,

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