[governance] DMP} Statement on Process and Objectives for the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Sat Nov 30 06:25:52 EST 2013

I risk to be bitten by (no, not monkeys, Milton) scorpions here, but if
"removal of the source of authority from a single national government
and the linkage of its authority over the DNS root zone file to a global
polity" is achieved, the need to change/globalize/internationalize ICANN
(the organization) becomes a relatively minor issue, n'est pas?

fraternal regards


On 11/30/2013 02:51 AM, parminder wrote:
> On Saturday 30 November 2013 10:05 AM, Milton L Mueller wrote:
>> Thank you, Karl. Right you are.
> Two Americans agreeing that continuing US legal oversight of ICANN is
> the best bet :).
>> -----Original Message-----
>> My feedback to ICANN at the time was that every one of these had its
>> head in the clouds and rather forgot the practical issues that ICANN
>> is an existing body that has money and property and sits atop a
>> hierarchy of existing contracts.
>> One can not simply transfer property, money, or contracts - at least
>> not if one wants to avoid being accused of some modern form of the old
>> crime/tort of "conversion".

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