[governance] Re: [bestbits] Big Data - big problem

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Thu Nov 21 07:28:49 EST 2013

parminder [21/11/13 17:51 +0530]:
>Shows how meaningless the term 'self regulation' is, which was 
>bandied around for so long, and many still do...

I have seen where self regulation has actually worked in Industry. And I
have seen cases - as I dare say many others here have - where it hasn't
quite worked, or has been subverted.

Trying to tar all self regulation with the same brush, or all industry
initiatives as sinister by default is not what I would call "progressive"
to be very honest. It is a regressive throwback to the days when
industrialists were robber barons, and leftist civil society was typically
anarchist, focused on riots and assasination rather than disrupting
meetings and assasinating characters.

Big business, as you put it, has far more than a stake, they have billions
invested in the internet, and build and operate substantial parts of it.
That sort of skin in the game absolutely does give them the right to be at
the table.


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