Strategies for Engagement / Was Re: [governance] DMP} Proposed letter on role of Brazil liaisons

Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at
Thu Nov 14 16:58:04 EST 2013

Dear All,

Having just landed, my view is that no meeting without civil society is legitimate and would be contrary to the very principles of Multistakeholderism that diverse stakeholders cherish. Having said that we will be at the table.

What is important is for Civil Society to organise itself- and quickly identify issues within their constituency or things that they want to see on the Agenda. For now, any meetings in Brazil in relation to the Summit needs to be watched and reported back from our liaisons on the ground, that is those who live there who have ready access. They will not put forward any view from us unless we have reached consensus on the matter but they can certainly raise critical points such as:

1)Civil Society will be involved in planning, designing of the Summit, which requires space in the Steering Committee, at the moment what i have heard is that those who fill those positions will do so in lieu of appointments by various stakeholder groups. This means that once our cross constituency civil society NomCom or equivalent makes the selection, they they will replace those sitting in lieu. A condition for sitting in lieu will be that they will not be able to be on the steering committee following elections/appointment. This will be true all across the board.

For now we should empower our Brazilian colleagues to be our voice in the discussions in Brazil. 

2)Work needs to start on Agenda crafting, some of these issues have been discussed on the mailing list but we need to consolidate and build on it. I would suggest that the IGC, APC and Best Bits takes the lead role in setting the timelines and invite all other constituencies to work within their communities to craft the issues and the Agenda and feed them into a working group mailing list. The mailing list can be hosted on the IGC platform. 

If all three groups agree, I would suggest that if Wolfgang Kleinwachter is willing that he chair this joint group and lead the process with the backing of all three groups. Care has to be taken to include all the views from within civil society in the development of our positions and to record conflicted positions.

This can be communicated to all other civil society organisations globally to gather their issues and concerns.

3)Various civil society groups need to quickly decide on a framework for selection that is acceptable to all and that is fair, transparent etc. APC can lead the Working group if they are willing could lead this process for liaising with other CS groups.

4)We should also think about developing an Engagement Strategy:

a)Outreach- ensuring that we are inclusive and no civil society group is marginalized;

b)Appoint Liaisons to the Business Constituency, Technical Constituency and other constituencies who will report back on what is happening, what the general moods are and can also raise our concerns or issues.

c)If there are new civil society groups who are trying to get their heads around the issues, we can ask Internet Jurisdiction and Diplo to jointly facilitate a Webinar to bring new participants to an equalised platform so engagement is seamless from all participants. 

Kind Regards,

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