[governance] Workshop on "Social Justice in an Internet Mediated World" co-organised by ITfC and Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Wed Nov 13 03:11:57 EST 2013

For those in India, or even outside who can afford the costs.... pl see 
the below notice. (Apologies for cross postings)

Dear All

In partnership with Manipal Centre for Philosophy & Humanities, 
University of Manipal, IT for Change is conducting a Workshop on "Social 
Justice in an Internet-mediated World"  between January 31-February 2, 
2014. The workshop flyer is enclosed below, and more details can be 
accessed on our website www.itforchange.net.
A limited number of scholarships covering course fee and travel fare is 
also available, Accommodation is being provided on campus, free of cost, 
for all participants.
Kindly pass on this information to colleagues, friends or anyone you may 
see fit.

Best, parminder

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