[governance] Re: [bestbits] Re: [IRPCoalition] DISCLOSURE REQUEST Re: Funding Available for Strengthening Civil Society...

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Sun Nov 10 06:56:02 EST 2013

On Sunday 10 November 2013 05:02 PM, McTim wrote:
>> Bottomline: I strongly support Norbert's proposal that all custodians of CS
>> processes (and I add all reps to other bodies like working groups, MAG etc)
>> should divulge basic information about themselves, which includes all
>> funding sources/ relationships, basic organisational identity if any, a
>> basic statement of intent, purpose and objectives, and summary of activities
>> in the past, present and planned.
> The above does not describe NB proposal.  The quote below does:
> "Specifically, I hereby request the members of the BestBits steering
> committee, the members of the IRP Steering Committee, and the
> coordinators of the IGC to disclose any direct or indirect financial
> relationship to any "capacity building" or similar kind of project
> where a US government agency is among the funders."

Agreed. Pursuant to subsequent discussions,  Norbert poser about a 
particular country (which is indeed one of the most powerful players 
around and holds a special position) should be amended to include all 
funding sources (whereby Norbert still gets his answer, and everyone can 
make their respective judgements vis a vis all the different sources). 
Do you agree now?


>> This is a clear and direct proposal,
> but it only covers one country.
> rgds,
> McTim

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