[governance] MAG NomCom and MAG nominees (Call for names) URGENT 7days deadline
Adam Peake
ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Fri Nov 8 02:57:36 EST 2013
Text of Wu Hongbo's letter about renewal below.
Current MAG members can re-submit.
Is a little unclear, does it mean they must re-submit, and if they don't will be assumed not interested?
MAG Renewal 2014
The Internet Governance Forum's Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) has been instrumental in planning the programme of the annual IGF meetings.
We would like to express our gratitude to all past and present members of MAG who have donated their time, effort and valuable guidance in ensuring the smooth running of the IGF.
On behalf of the United Nations Secretary-General, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) requests nominations from all stakeholder groups, according to the established principles and practices of MAG on the rotation and selection of its members. Governments, the private sector, civil society, and technical community should submit names of candidates from developed and developing countries as well as from economies in transition. Successful nominees will become part of MAG for a period of one year and will contribute to the multi-stakeholder consultation process, bringing the perspectives of their respective groups on Internet governance. Group nominees should be members who have actively participated in IGF meetings and activities in the past. As in previous years, stakeholder groups can resubmit the names of current MAG members for re-election and are expected to publicize the selection and nomination process.
Please submit the names of nominees to the IGF Secretariat by 1 December 2013 via email:magrenewal2014 at intgovforum.org, using the attached submission template. The aim is to rotate one third of MAG members.
Selection and Operation Principles:
(i) MAG members are selected to achieve a balance among all stakeholder groups, while retaining regional and gender representation, according to established procedures;
(ii) All MAG members serve in their personal capacity but are expected to have extensive linkages with their respective stakeholder groups;
(iii) The main task of MAG is to provide advice on the programme and main themes of the next meeting of the IGF;
(iv) MAG members are expected to attend two to three MAG meetings in Geneva, Switzerland, in addition to the annual IGF meeting. They should participate actively in the preparatory process throughout the year, through engagement in the online multilateral dialogue among MAG members;
(v) MAG meetings are open to Intergovernmental organizations.
Thank you and I look forward to the continued success of the Internet Governance Forum.
On Nov 8, 2013, at 8:25 AM, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro wrote:
> Dear All
> Further to Izumi Aizu's message about generating names for the MAG by 1 December, 2013, this is an urgent call for both names of volunteers for those who wish to be considered for the following:-
> 1)NomCom to appoint MAG
> 2)Those who wish to be considered for selection for the MAG
> Please send in your expression of interest and clearly indicate it in the Subject line
> by stating either NomCom (MAG) or MAG Candidate
> For those wishing to be apply as MAG candidates, please send a brief about yourself, a link to your CV and describe involvement in existing, current IGF foras. Also list your possible conflicts of interest and declare any interests if any. Also describe why you think you will make a good MAG member and what value you can bring to the MAG and also to the IGC and broader civil society. Describe principles and values you ascribe to. This will help the NomCom in their selection process. Given the short time we have, the call for names is open 7 days and will be closed immediately after 7 days to give time to the NomCom to make their selection. This will mean that the NomCom can start work on the 25th November, 2013.
> Kind Regards,
> Sala
>> izumi
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Chengetai Masango <cmasango at unog.ch>
>> Date: 2013/11/7
>> Subject: [IGFmaglist] MAG Renewal
>> To: MAG List IGF <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
>> Dear All,
>> Under-Secretary-General Mr. Wu Hongbo of UNDESA has issued a statement on the MAG renewal process for 2014. The hard deadline for the submission of names is 1 December 2013.
>> For organisations that submit groups of names on behalf of a stakeholder group (or subdivision of a stakeholder group) some documentation stating the selection process would be appreciated.
>> I would be grateful if you could publicise the announcement to your respective stakeholder groups.
>> Best regards,
>> Chengetai
> A separate NomCom mailing list will be created to faciltate the process.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Chengetai Masango <cmasango at unog.ch>
>> Date: 2013/11/7
>> Subject: [IGFmaglist] MAG Renewal
>> To: MAG List IGF <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
>> Dear All,
>> Under-Secretary-General Mr. Wu Hongbo of UNDESA has issued a statement on the MAG renewal process for 2014. The hard deadline for the submission of names is 1 December 2013.
>> For organisations that submit groups of names on behalf of a stakeholder group (or subdivision of a stakeholder group) some documentation stating the selection process would be appreciated.
>> I would be grateful if you could publicise the announcement to your respective stakeholder groups.
>> Best regards,
>> Chengetai
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