[governance] Potential IGC letter to US gov (was Re: NET NEUTRALITY AND MORE)
Norbert Bollow
nb at bollow.ch
Tue May 28 11:32:58 EDT 2013
Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> > On 28 May 2013, at 12:19, Riaz Tayob wrote:
> > I do beleive, as I have said elsewhere, that DOC would just as soon
> > hand the responsibilities over. Just not to another governments or
> > to a intergovernmental institution.
> To whom, then? And when? I have proposed earlier that IGC writes to
> the US gov (it is not DOC, it is the US gov) that they forgo their
> oversight role to an international body.... We can always propose
> some such body, say, a technical board, with 10 members, 2 each from
> each geo-political/ geographic, region, elected from selected top
> technical academic institutions by rotation from each country in the
> region... any other suggestion is welcome... Elections from ALAC ?,
> something else? But we much act on what we believe or say.... Non
> action is simply another form of politics .
> My proposal here is serious, and I propose that we as IGC begin work
> on it. What better timing then the forthcoming meeting of the WG on
> enhanced cooperation.
Would it be a reasonable first step to write to the US Government with
a request to communicate their perspective on a potential handover, in
particular in regard to what kind of institution (or rotation of
institutions) the role might reasonably be handed over to?
Recommendations for effective and constructive participation in IGC:
1. Respond to the content of assertions and arguments, not to the person
2. Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept
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