[governance] Industrial Progress, revisited…
Fouad Bajwa
fouadbajwa at gmail.com
Sun May 19 07:26:25 EDT 2013
Big business lobbying itself is based on some kind of principles on
which their lobbyists gather and advocate their standpoint in various
political and global settings. These principles bring the businesses
together and they can all stand behind one organization and make a
statement to preserve their continued positions as we've experienced
in the MAG and other policy spaces.
AS I mention spaces, spaces are designed and determined according to
interests that may be diverse but may have an agreement in principle
to sustain a certain position and we may see that position retaining
itself for years.
When we say Internet Giants, we already know that they have opened and
maintain the doors for market dominance in their business area. With
the kind of money they can put into backing lobbyists, that is hard to
counter especially when they can draw in large numbers on some kind of
a mutually agreeable principle and then back it across a multiplicity
of forums at both regional and global levels.
I find two things in the article, the rational sense and the issue of
well being and sustainable futures. The rational sense would incline
towards profit seeking whereas the issue of well being of society and
countering the negative externalities would always remain a challenge
as the lobbyists may tend to forget that the future has their
generations involved as well.
A feeling I can derive from this thread is that multistakeholderism is
the struggle for inclusive structures of governance and expression of
interests entailing all groups in this gathering as struggling to
maintain the interests of their groups or larger communities and
entities they represent or serve.
The outcome whether good or bad is for the future to determine but the
CS groups do agree in general to certain principles, human rights and
freedom of expression being one of them but in the notions of their
own understanding and beliefs however, in preparatory processes like
the MAG, the groups that are more organized and prepared to stand
their ground get their way more than others and we see businesses
confronting successfully.
The institutionalization of multistakeholderism is still yet an
evolving process and we will continue to see different faces of it.
On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
> ... and this is supposing we have absolutely clarified the meaning of
> bottoms-up... errr... bottom-up (since we are talking about BUTOC...),
> transparent, open and consensus.
> --c.a.
> On 05/19/2013 02:15 AM, Andrea Glorioso wrote:
>> Thanks for. A few more questions to clarify.
>> On May 19, 2013 1:18 AM, "McTim" <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Andrea Glorioso
>>> <andrea at digitalpolicy.it> wrote:
>>>> Who is the "we" here?
>>> Those of us who participate in the BUTOC (Bottom Up, Transparent,
>>> Open, Consensus) based processes of IG.
>> So is being BUTOC a necessary condition for a process to be
>> multi-stakeholder? Is it also a sufficient condition?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrea
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Fouad Bajwa
ICT4D and Internet Governance Advisor
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