[governance] [igf_members] MAG Renewal

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at ciroap.org
Tue May 14 09:10:10 EDT 2013

On 14/05/2013, at 2:59 PM, Roland Perry <roland at internetpolicyagency.com> wrote:

>> Point taken, but I want to say that I would much rather have Susan representing the technical community than some of the others who have been representing it on the MAG.
> That sounds like you *are* prepared to comment on the quality of contributions, which is an entirely different discussion.
> Do you think some of the "others" have done a poor job advocating for the technical community? I haven't participated in an IGF or prep meeting for over two years now, so don't have an opinion on the matter.

I do, but sorry Roland, I'm not going to take the bait and vent about that here, because it will definitely precipitate a flame war. :-)

Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Policy Officer
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