[governance] Summary on IGC statement proposals

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Tue May 14 08:43:28 EDT 2013

Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> wrote:

> What is the current text of "4) Proposal for an IGC statement on a
> "public good" perspective of the Internet."

We recognise the Internet to be a global, end-to-end, network of 
networks comprised of computing devices and processes, and an emergent 
and emerging social reality. In that sense, it is an intricate 
combination of hardware, software, protocols, and human intentionality 
enabling new kinds of social interactions and transactions, brought 
together by a common set of design principles. The design principles
and policies that constitute Internet's governance should be derived
through open and transparent, participatory democratic processes
involving all stakeholders. While such principles and policies strive
to ensure stability, functionality and security of the Internet, they
must also aim at preserving and enhancing the global commons and global
public good character of the Internet, the combination of which has
made previous innovations possible. Therefore, in the face of the
growing danger for the Internet experience to be reduced to closed or 
proprietary online spaces, we urge that the governance of the Internet 
promote the preservation and enhancement of the Internet's global 
commons and public good character. This will inter alia help to promote 
the Internet as a vehicle for free expression and free association, and 
for free flow of information, knowledge and ideas.


Recommendations for effective and contructive participation in IGC:
1. Respond to the content of assertions and arguments, not to the person
2. Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept

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