[governance] Fwd: [igf_members] MAG Renewal
Suresh Ramasubramanian
suresh at hserus.net
Tue May 14 05:46:26 EDT 2013
You will notice the difference between a suggestion, which I can make, and
a "hat on" statement that you can make, and are apparently making now to
tell me what to, and what not to discuss on this list.
Anyway ..
The previous email is merely my opinion - which I have stated before - that
people are perfectly entitled to self identify themselves as belonging to a
particular community, and we can no more question their credentials to
belong, than, say, the ITU, or say an industry advocacy group, can question
the credentials of any who self identify themselves as civil society and/or
as members of this caucus.
Policy experts from the technical community or academia, in this case -
rather than say network engineers, protocol designers or tenured
professors, have a perfect right - and a strong case - to self identify
themselves with their respective communities.
Norbert Bollow [14/05/13 11:26 +0200]:
>[with IGC coordinator hat on]
>please refrain from telling people that certain topics should not be
>discussed on this list.
>Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net> wrote:
>> Roland Perry [14/05/13 10:04 +0100]:
>> >parts of the ecocystem), rather I was harking back to earlier
>> >discussions about the technical and academic community, and whether
>> >in WSIS-speak that meant "engineers from the technical and academic
>> >community".
>> Which was a needless controversy that should not be raked up further
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>1. Respond to the content of assertions and arguments, not to the person
>2. Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept
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