[governance] advisors added to WG on enhanced cooperation?

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Sat May 11 11:04:38 EDT 2013

Thank you Avri (and thank you Peter)


On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 10:15 PM, Avri Doria <avri at acm.org> wrote:
> Quoted with permission.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Peter Major" <pmajor at bluewin.ch>
>> Subject: RE: [governance] advisors added to WG on enhanced cooperation?
>> Date: 10 May 2013 16:29:54 EDT
>> To: "'Avri Doria'" <avri at ella.com>
>> Avri,
>> As in the previous CSTD WG on improvements to the IGF member states may come
>> to the WG meeting with delegations of more than one person. In my previous
>> mail I've made it clear that I want each country to be represented by one
>> person, who will take the floor in our discussions. For international
>> organizations I intend to have the same approach. For civil society,
>> technical community and business invitations have been sent out to nominated
>> persons. I have no knowledge about advisors. In the previous working group I
>> had no problem with this approach and I do not think this working group is
>> going to be different. I intend to discuss procedural issues at the
>> beginning of our first meeting and get agreement from the members of the
>> group. As I indicated I want to have transparent meetings and concentrate on
>> substance. My goal is to have good discussions and achieve results according
>> to our mandate.
>> I am ready to discuss this with you next week.
>> Best,
>> Peter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Avri Doria [mailto:avri at ella.com]
>> Sent: vendredi 10 mai 2013 19:25
>> To: Peter Major
>> Subject: Fwd: [governance] advisors added to WG on enhanced cooperation?
>> Hi,
>> Was wondering if you could confirm or deny.
>> Thanks
>> avri
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp>
>>> Subject: [governance] advisors added to WG on enhanced cooperation?
>>> Date: 10 May 2013 09:40:15 EDT
>>> To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org
>>> Reply-To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org, Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp>
>>> Hearing rumors that "advisors" are being appointed to the CSTD working
>>> group on enhanced cooperation.
>>> We go through hoops to have people appointed, rip ourselves (and
>>> others) apart over the process, and then it seems there might be an
>>> unaccountable back-door.
>>> I am sure well intentioned, but I think a really bad idea.  Could our
>>> members on the WG find out the truth to this rumor.  Before the group
>>> meets.  And if turns out to be correct I hope we'll ask that the
>>> practice is stopped.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Adam
>>> _
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