FW: [governance] CSTD WG on Enhanced Cooperation : Update

José Félix Arias Ynche jaryn56 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 13:24:50 EDT 2013

 Hola...creo que hay problemas...

Creo que hay utilizar los mecanismos de "cuestiones políticas" en las
propuestas de identificar las formas en que se puedan recabar
financiamiento para el aumento de IGF para los que venimos de países en

Para instar a nuestros gobiernos a participar activamente y entender que
para obtener el valor de la IGF tienen que poner financiamiento en él

Siempre que sea posible vincular los resultados de IGF a otros procesos de
adopción de decisiones en bienestar de una Internet libre.

*Cordialmente:         José Félix Arias Ynche*
*                        Investigador Social Para El Desarrollo*

2013/3/15 michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>

> I'ld like to thank IGC colleagues for their encouragement and support in the matter of my "nomination" on behalf of the "Technical and Academic" stakeholder group to the CSTD WG on EC.  ****
> * *
> I would strongly encourage CS to proceed with the proposed letter protesting the failures in the process as evidenced to date by the T/A focal point. Insisting that the various actors in these processes abide by standard norms of accountability and transparency is I believe, a necessary role for CS.****
> ** **
> I am however, very concerned at the continued silence from the T/A focal point/grouping in these matters.  The failure to provide a clear accounting of the procedures and criteria which have gone into the selection activities as Anriette Esterhuysen has done so ably on behalf of CS, I believe, directly undermines the legitimacy of the entire multistakeholder process. ****
> ** **
> As we all know, if there is no accountability and transparency there is no legitimacy and if there is no legitimacy then a fledgling approach to governance such as multistakeholderism will necessarily appear to the world as simply a mask for the pursuit of narrow interests by another name.****
> ** **
> Again, since there would appear to be no evidence of formal processes being in place within the T/A group, with this note I'm giving notice that I will be launching a formal appeal to the Chair of the CSTD WG and asking that the nominations of the T/A group be suspended in this area until such time as its formal processes and widely legitimized criteria of selection are made known to the general community.****
> ** **
> Mike****
> ** **
> ** **
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