[governance] Fwd: Unlocking Your Phone Is Illegal Starting Tomorrow

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Sun Jan 27 23:41:21 EST 2013

Charity Gamboa [27/01/13 22:29 -0600]:
>upgrade. I've done it so I would think that the issue lies on the premise
>that if you are locked into a contract, unlocking your phone is not
>allowed. Once you are through with your contract, I would assume that your
>phone is paid for and technically yours.

That premise is correct. Jailbreaking your phone when you buy it cheap on
contract is the issue here. Several people are doing this not for the
freedom of installing new apps, but to simply export the phone out and sell
it at a profit in the second hand market in developing countries.

There was an excellent article on how this underground economy operates,
though it doesn't specifically mention iphones. How Chungking Mansions, a
dilapidated commercial building in the tourist heart of hong kong, is a
major centre for the phone gray market in emerging economies.


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