[governance] Brazil, WSIS 10+ and ITU
Samantha Dickinson
samantha at linguasynaptica.com
Fri Dec 27 06:10:50 EST 2013
Hi Wolfgang
Just a quick clarification. The text you refer to in relation to
WSIS+10 in 2015 is from the original draft by the G77 and not the
version that was eventually adopted. The report on 2nd Committee
(http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/68/435) quotes the
draft resolution first (pp. 3-12), followed by the final version of
the resolution (pp.13-20). It was the second and final version that
was adopted.
The final version of the resolution delays a decision on the
modalities of the WSIS review in 2015 until the end of March 2014 at
the latest. Modalities will be put together based on "open
intergovernmental consultations”. If it's of any use, I put together a
quick overview of the main differences between the two versions here:
On 27 December 2013 20:38, "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
<wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de> wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I would prefer on this list a discussion on substance and the concrete CS contribution to the two envisaged outcome documents for the meeting in Brazil: 1. a declaration of principles and 2. a road map/plan of action. It is not a secondary issue how CS channels its ideas into the process, and we should be represented in a proper way in all committees respecting the special responsibilities of the local organizers. However, substance comes first and if we want to have a seat on the table, we have to demonstrate that we make substantial contributions and come with new, fresh, fair and workable ideas how to enhance and improve the IG processes in 2014 an beyond in the intersts of individual users based on our commitmenet to human rights and development.
> And BTW, it would be equally important to start a discussion about CS representation in the WSIS 10+ process. If you read the UNGA resolution, CS should be shocked. The resolution says that WSIS 10+ (including a potential third summit in 2015 in Sotchi) will be prepared by an intergovernmental preparatory committeee. There is nothing in the UN resolution which recommends similar structures for the civil society (or private sector and technical community). This goes back to WSIS 2002!!!! It needed two PrepComs until we hade a CS structure in place which could communicate (unfortunately not on an equal level) with the intergovernmental committee. I remember the stormy days in Geneva when the Intergovernmental Committee had its meetings behind closed doors and we were invited only for five minutes to a special TOP.
> Here is the text from the UN resolution, adopted in December 2013 by the UN General Assembly (table by Fihi on behalf ot the Group of 77 and China)
> " 20. Reaffirms the role of the General Assembly in the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, tobe held in 2015, as recognized in paragraph 111 of the Tunis Agenda;
> 21. Decides to hold, in 2015, the 10-year review summit on the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, in accordance with paragraph 111 of the Tunis Agenda;
> 22. Also decides to launch a preparatory process for the review summit by January 2014, which shall take place through an open-ended intergovernmental preparatory committee and be consistent with and draw on the experience of the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society process and which will define the agenda of the review summit, finalize the negotiated outcome document of the summit and decide on the modalities for the participation of other stakeholders in the summit;
> 23. Invites Governments to participate actively in the preparatory process of the overall review summit in 2015 and to be represented in the summit at the highest possible level;
> 24. Acknowledges the contributions of the International Telecommunication Union in the Geneva and Tunis Summits, and invites the Union to contribute similarly to the overall review summit and its preparatory process;"
> With other words, this list should start a discussion how CS will be included into the PrepComs for WSIS III, how it will self-organize in 2014/2015 for WSIS 10+. Should we have the same structure like between WSIS I and WSIS II with a CS Bureau, a CS Plenary, a CS Content & Themes group and a large number of CS WGs and Caucuses? This IGC was one of the groups, established during PrepCom2 in February 2003 (see attachment). Should we wait until the Intergovernmental Committee defines under which conditions CS is allowed to participate? Or should we ask for a multistakeholder (instead of intergovernmental) preparatory committee? Should we write a letter to Ban Kin Moon and to protest against this governmental exclusive approach to the WSIS 10+ process and say very clearly that we feel excluded and that all the other paragraphs in the resolution which refer to "multistakeholder" are just lip service as long as CS is not an equal partner in the preparatory process?
> And what about CS representation in the UNGIS?
> "16. Also recognizes the role of the United Nations Group on the Information Society as an inter-agency mechanism of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination designed to coordinate United Nations implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society;"
> And finally, what this list will do to go prepared to the ITU Plenipot in Busan in Fall 2014? Do we want to play an active role in the WTDC and the ITU sponsored Ministerial WSIS 10+ meeting, orignally planned for Sharm el Sheikh in April 2014 and move now probably to Dubai and/or Bucharest?
> Best wishes for 2014
> wolfgang
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Samantha Dickinson
Internet governance consultant & writer
Lingua Synaptica
Web: http://linguasynaptica.com
Twitter: @sgdickinson
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