Snapshots from ICANN HL Panel in London Re: [governance] [bestbits] press release about meeting of the high level panel
Deirdre Williams
williams.deirdre at
Mon Dec 16 17:14:06 EST 2013
Thank you Vlada.
Very clear.
On 16 December 2013 13:36, Vladimir Radunovic <vladar at> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> here are few lines on my impressions of what happened at the High Level
> Panel meeting in London on Friday. I hope it will help us better understand
> the intentions and potentials of this (dynamically evolving and
> self-reshaping) initiative.
> I was there in status of an observer, representing Diplo who was invited
> among others by ICANN to provide its expertise and assist the drafting of
> report by the HL panel. The Panel event was under Chatham House rule, so I
> will try to bring as many details as possible while still respecting this
> rule. The views below are my personal, as I saw the discussions and the
> process. Besides the impressions below, I (and several others) have been
> extensively tweeting with #InternetPanel (read here<>)
> so you can get a pretty good snapshot of key points in discussion through
> that. Formal Press Release has been published and is available here<>– it brings more or less all the basic info on topics and participants of
> the meeting as well as the future timeline.
> *HL Group and experts*
> Panel includes 21 members listed in the Press Release; additionally, a
> final one (Anriette from APC) has been accepted during the meeting in
> London to reflect loud civil society requests. Panel is dominated by tech
> and corporate sector, with few yet high level representatives of
> governments; only now there is a panel member from civil society
> organisation.
> It was my impression that initially the entire HL Panel was composed based
> on “names” rather than on representation of stakeholders; yet it appears
> that it was acknowledged at the end that the absence of civil society
> organisations can hurt the process. On the other hand, civil society
> experts dominate the expert group who is supposed to assist with drafting
> the final report – as the agenda in press release shows. As an observer
> (replacing Jovan who was invited as expert but was not able to join in
> London), I did not have chance to formally raise civil society concerns
> expressed on this list and elsewhere, but other experts were involved in
> formal discussion. I hope Anriette’s formal presence in future will extend
> this direct opportunity.
> At London meeting there were most of Panel members, the experts, dozen of
> observers assisting Panel members or as guests, and some ICANN staff –
> total about 50 people, invited by ICANN. These are likely the people that
> will gather also in the next phases of the work. I suppose there will be no
> further changes in composition of the panel. I also got the impression the
> following two meetings will not be opened for observers rather than those
> invited directly or related to panel members, nor there will be greater
> transparency during the meetings; instead, it seems public consultations
> (primarily on 1Net) will be the public inputs into the work of the panel.
> *Task*
> The Panel has decided to be titled “Panel on global Internet cooperation
> and governance mechanisms”. Their goal is to prepare a blueprint document –
> a report – as described in press release. The focus of London discussions
> was on mapping the ecosystem and needs, discussing the “desirable
> properties” of future system, and agreeing on next steps. While there were
> interesting discussions, my impression was that there were very few new
> aspects on the table yet. It is my hope that the panel (and especially the
> experts who do have extensive knowledge of already-discussed issues in and
> various fora in previous years) will reflect to valuable outputs of
> previous IGF and other meetings rather than reinventing the wheel. It was
> confirmed that the summary of discussion points will be posted to
> soon asking for community reflections.
> The final draft of the report should be ready during second HL meeting in
> US end February; then it should be formally submitted as contribution to
> Sao Paolo meeting and Freedom Online conference in Tallinn in April, and
> offered for public consultations towards the next draft (not sure if only
> through 1Net, but probably will not be limited to that). It is supposed the
> draft report will find its place in the Sao Paolo meeting as well. The
> outputs of this and public discussions will be fed into the final report to
> be wrapped up during the third meeting in Dubai in early May. It should
> then be fed into various processes incl. ICANN meeting in London in June,
> IGF in September, etc. It is important to mention that the relevance and
> legitimacy of IGF was mentioned several times in discussions, and I had a
> feeling that the panel and experts are aware that this process should
> contribute to (and possibly strengthen) the IGF rather than undermine it.
> *Other components*
> My impression was that there was distancing by ICANN and the HL panel from
> the Sao Paolo meeting. Brazil meeting was mentioned only once at the end as
> a place where the report may be discussed – and was mentioned as only one
> such opportunity. There was no feeling that Sao Paolo conference is part of
> this initiative. At the same time the news was spread that Brazilian
> president Rousseff met French President Holland and that France might
> support Sao Paolo meeting (I found no direct confirmation for this in news
> yet however – pointers welcomed if anyone has).
> On the other hand 1Net was mentioned several times as the place in which
> public contributions on the draft report should be provided. It was of
> course only the reference to 1Net with regards to the HL Panel work, but it
> is possible that 1Net was envisaged with a broader goal; there was no
> further info however on how 1Net will proceed, nor on its Steering
> Committees or further steps.
> *Timeline*
> The timeline of meetings was presented in the press release as well. Yet
> let me combine it here with the updated info on other relevant 2014 events
> mentioned and not mentioned in London:
> 22-25 January, Davos: Side-meeting of the HL Panel during WEF annual
> meeting
> 27-28 February, US: 2nd HL meeting
> 31 March, Dubai (rather than Sharm): ITU WTDC
> 23-24 April, Sao Paolo: Brazil conference
> 28-29 April, Tallinn: Freedom Online Conference
> 3-4 May, Dubai: 3rd (final) HL meeting
> I hope this shed bit more light on what this whole new initiative will be
> about. It is slightly clearer to me now, though I still have lots of
> questions about 1Net. It is my belief that we should try to, whatever the
> initial idea behind 1Net was (and also the HL Panel), explore its
> potentials to strengthen the IGF and improve communications among
> professional (and stakeholder) silos.
> Best!
> Vlada
> PS Sorry for a rather long email.. I decided to be detailed in this case,
> and mention as much as possible.
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 1:43 AM, Fouad Bajwa <fouadbajwa at> wrote:
>> I had a small question from our colleagues that are participating in the
>> process. Is the panel only going to move forward in its present opening
>> structure or is it open to more stakeholder participation from developing
>> countries'. Any chances of remote participation and input?
>> Best Regards
>> Fouad Bajwa
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> On Dec 14, 2013, at 7:58 PM, Carolina <carolina.rossini at> wrote:
>> Thank you Bill and glad that Anriette has joined as well.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 14, 2013, at 1:28 PM, William Drake <william.drake at> wrote:
>> Hi Carolina
>> The press release pretty much covers what was discussed, who was there,
>> and the next steps. I was happy we got agreement to open things up by
>> having online discussions per theme, and that they have invited Anriette to
>> join the group. In terms of ideas discussed, one that seems to have some
>> traction is to do something to help foster the development of
>> multistakeholder processes at the national level, inter alia in the hope
>> that this will strengthen the diversity of engagement at the global level.
>> It is currently expected that the final report will be brief, under ten
>> pages, and will be revised in light of the feedback from Sao Paulo and
>> elsewhere.
>> The tweets are at #InternetPanel but there’s not so much given the
>> Chatham rule.
>> Cheers
>> Bill
>> On Dec 14, 2013, at 10:43 AM, Carolina Rossini <
>> carolina.rossini at> wrote:
>> any reports back from that meeting already?
>> On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:36 AM, Adam Peake <ajp at> wrote:
>>> --
>>> High-Level Panel on Global Internet Cooperation and Governance
>>> Mechanisms Convenes in London
>>> PR Newswire
>>> LONDON, Dec. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Panel on Global Internet
>>> Cooperation and Governance Mechanisms -- a diverse group of global
>>> stakeholders from government, civil society, the private sector, the
>>> technical community and international organizations -- held their first
>>> meeting in London to discuss global Internet cooperation and governance
>>> mechanisms. The Panel expressed strong support for a multistakeholder
>>> approach to the future of Internet governance. The conversations held at
>>> the London meeting were facilitated by a team of Internet governance
>>> experts. The discussion will be taken online in the coming days at
>>> "The world relies on the Internet for economic, social, and political
>>> progress. It is imperative to ensure emerging issues are properly addressed
>>> in a global context, without individual governments or intergovernmental
>>> organizations developing their own solutions," said Estonian President
>>> Toomas Hendrik Ilves and chair of the Panel.
>>> "The success of the Internet is rooted in a distributed and bottom-up
>>> model, with openness and collaboration at its core," said Vint Cerf,
>>> vice-chair of the Panel. "The inaugural meeting of the Panel brought
>>> together a diverse set of perspectives on the future of the Internet, and
>>> through this diversity I'm confident we can chart a course to protect the
>>> core of the current ecosystem, while evolving its methods, accessibility,
>>> and universality to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future."
>>> In keeping with its mission, the first meeting of the Panel addressed
>>> desirable properties for global Internet cooperation, administration and
>>> governance. The Panel will conduct two additional meetings in the coming
>>> months. The next meeting, scheduled for late February 2014 in Rancho
>>> Mirage, California, will be hosted by The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands.
>>> Sunnylands is partnering with the Panel in its substantive work. Following
>>> this meeting, a high-level draft report will then be released for open
>>> consultation. A final meeting will be hosted by the World Economic Forum in
>>> May 2014 in Dubai. During this meeting, the Panel will consider community
>>> feedback and discussions at forums including the Global Multistakeholder
>>> Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance in Braziland the Freedom
>>> Online Coalition's conference in Tallinn, Estonia. A high-level report will
>>> be published at the conclusion of the May meeting, and is expected to cover
>>> the following areas:
>>> • A brief overview of the current Internet governance ecosystem
>>> • Opportunities and challenges facing the current ecosystem
>>> • Desirable ecosystem properties including:
>>> • Ecosystem legitimacy
>>> • Effective and inclusive multi-interest and
>>> consensus-based system
>>> • Ensuring global participation including from the
>>> developing world
>>> • Co-existence with other governance systems (national
>>> and multi-lateral) ensuring a stable system that is not prone to attack,
>>> mismanagement, and manipulation
>>> Panel members are working in their personal capacity. Members consist of:
>>> • Mohamed Al Ghanim, Founder and Director General of the UAE
>>> Telecommunications Regulatory Authority; former Vice-Chair, UAE Information
>>> and Communications Technology Fund; Chairman of WCIT-12
>>> • Virgilio Fernandes Almeida, Member of the Brazilian Academy of
>>> Sciences; Chair of Internet Steering Committee; National Secretary for
>>> Information Technology Policies
>>> • Dorothy Attwood, Senior Vice President of Global Public
>>> Policy, Walt Disney Company
>>> • Mitchell Baker, Chair, Mozilla Foundation; Chair and former
>>> CEO, Mozilla Corporation
>>> • Francesco Caio, CEO of Avio; former CEO, Cable and Wireless
>>> and Vodafone Italia; Founder of Netscalibur; broadband advisor in UK and
>>> Italy; Government Commissioner for Digital Agenda
>>> • Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for
>>> Google; former Chairman, ICANN; Co-Founder of the Internet Society
>>> • Fadi Chehade, CEO and President of ICANN; Founder of Rosetta
>>> Net; technology executive
>>> • Nitin Desai, Indian economist and diplomat; former UN
>>> Undersecretary General; convener of Working Group on Internet Governance
>>> (WGIG)
>>> • Byron Holland, President and CEO of the Canadian Internet
>>> Registration Authority
>>> • Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia; former diplomat
>>> and journalist; former Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Member of the
>>> European Parliament
>>> • Ivo Ivanovski, Minister of Information Society and
>>> Administration, Macedonia; Commissioner to the UN Broadband Commission for
>>> Digital Development
>>> • Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of
>>> Europe; former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Norway
>>> • Omobola Johnson, Minister of Communication Technology of
>>> Nigeria
>>> • Olaf Kolkman, Director of NLnet Labs; "Evangineer" of the Open
>>> Internet; former Chair of the Internet Architecture Board
>>> • Frank La Rue, labor and human rights lawyer; UN Special
>>> Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of
>>> Opinion and Expression; Founder, Center for Legal Action for Human Rights
>>> (CALDH)
>>> • Robert M. McDowell, former U.S. Federal Communications
>>> Commissioner; Visiting Fellow, Hudson Institute's Center for Economics of
>>> the Internet
>>> • Andile Ngcaba, Chairman and Founder, Convergence Partners;
>>> Executive Chairman, Dimension Data Middle East and Africa; former South
>>> African Government Director General of Communications
>>> • Liu Qingfeng, CEO and President of iFLYTEK; Director of
>>> National Speech & Language Engineering Laboratory of China; Member of
>>> Interactive Technology Standards working group
>>> • Lynn St. Amour, President and CEO of the Internet Society;
>>> telecoms and IT executive
>>> • Jimmy Wales, Founder and Promoter of Wikipedia; Member of the
>>> Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation
>>> • Won-Pyo Hong, President, Media Solution Center, Samsung
>>> Electronics
>>> London Panel Agenda
>>> December 13
>>> 09:00 -- 11:00
>>> Backgrounder
>>> Expert presentations on Internet Cooperation and
>>> Governance to cover:
>>> -- History of Internet cooperation and overview of
>>> current ecosystem
>>> Speaker: Vint Cerf
>>> -- Nature and scope of global Internet governance
>>> Speaker: William Drake
>>> -- Current system opportunities and challenges:
>>> ( this includes legitimacy and mandate challenges,
>>> challenges for global participation and inclusion)
>>> Speaker: David Gross & Bertrand de la Chapelle
>>> 11:00 -- 11:15
>>> Break
>>> 11:15 -- 12:00
>>> Backgrounder Q&A Session
>>> 12:00 -- 13:00
>>> Lunch
>>> 13:00 -- 14:30
>>> Developing Desirable System Properties
>>> Panel is split into the following four proposed tracks,
>>> each moderated by an Internet Governance expert:
>>> -- Desirable properties for ecosystem legitimacy
>>> Moderator: David Gross
>>> -- Desirable properties for an effective and inclusive
>>> multi-interest & consensus-based system
>>> Moderator: Sally Wentworth
>>> -- Desirable properties to ensure global participation
>>> including from developing world
>>> Moderator: William Drake
>>> -- Desirable properties for co-existence with other
>>> governance systems (national and multi-lateral)
>>> ensuring a stable system that is not prone to attack,
>>> mismanagement, and manipulation.
>>> Moderator: Wolfgang Kleinwachter
>>> 14:30 -- 14:45
>>> Break
>>> 14:45 -- 17:30
>>> Joint Observations
>>> Panel members, moderated by experts, coalesce
>>> around a set of overall joint observations on the
>>> desirable system properties
>>> 17:30 -- 17:45
>>> Break
>>> 17:45 -- 18:30
>>> Wrap-up
>>> Panel members discuss next steps, timelines/dates,
>>> communication rules and modus operandi for panel
>>> About The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands
>>> The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands, which operates The
>>> Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands in Rancho Mirage, California, is an
>>> independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating entity. The Annenberg Retreat at
>>> Sunnylands hosts high-level retreats that address serious issues facing the
>>> nation and the world, including the recent official meeting between
>>> President Obama and President Xi of the People's Republic of China. In
>>> addition, Sunnylands offers programs through the Sunnylands Center &
>>> Gardens to educate the public about the history of Sunnylands, its
>>> architecture, art collections, cultural significance, and sustainable
>>> practices.
>>> About ICANN
>>> The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an
>>> internationally organised, non-profit corporation that has responsibility
>>> for Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier
>>> assignment, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name
>>> system management, and root server system management functions. As a
>>> private-public partnership, ICANN is dedicated to preserving the
>>> operational stability of the Internet; to promoting competition; to
>>> achieving broad representation of global Internet communities; and to
>>> developing policy appropriate to its mission through bottom-up,
>>> consensus-based processes. For more information please visit:
>>> About The World Economic Forum
>>> The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization
>>> committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in
>>> partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
>>> Incorporated as a foundation in 1971 and headquartered in Geneva,
>>> Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is impartial and not-for-profit; it
>>> is tied to no political, partisan or national interests (
>>> Editor's Note: The Panel was previously referred to as the Panel on the
>>> Future of Global Internet Cooperation.
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>> *Carolina Rossini*
>> *Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
>> Open Technology Institute
>> *New America Foundation*
>> //
>> + 1 6176979389
>> *carolina.rossini at*
>> skype: carolrossini
>> @carolinarossini
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