[governance] Mandela: a giant passes
michael gurstein
gurstein at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 15:47:11 EST 2013
Thanks Nick and perhaps in this context it might worthwhile to circulate and examine the draft South Africa ICT Policy Framing paper <http://www.info.gov.za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=188939> .
This paper explicitly (as in section 3.5 where principles are presented), and as I’ve been told by a Community Informatics colleague who is on the SA Government’s Task Force that produced this document, draws inspiration in large part from the ANC’s Freedom Charter <http://gurstein.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/internet-justice-a-meme-whose-time-has-come/> (1955) which guided Mandela and his colleagues over the decades and as they approached the work of Government.
From: Nick Ashton-Hart [mailto:nashton at consensus.pro]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 11:46 AM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org; michael gurstein; michael gurstein; 'Jean-Christophe Nothias'; 'Nyangkwe Agien Aaron'
Cc: 'Mawaki Chango'; 'Devon Blake'
Subject: RE: [governance] Mandela: a giant passes
While there is of course truth in what you say, I think he would have said we should remember what WAS done, the good things that did happen, and to look forward. His work of reconciliation is not complete because ours is not. We can honour him best, I think, by living by his example and asking ourselves, when opportunities come our way to understand and feel compassion - or to resent and harden our hearts - WWMD - What Would Madiba Do.
We, in the Internet community, could really use this simple precept; there is so much suspicion and doubt so often expressed about the motivations of others, and this so often gets in the way of us working constructively together, within our silos/communities and across them.
michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:
I guess what I’m always left with when I think about Mandela and even more now as the great and the good weigh in with such vigour, is such a sense of lost opportunity. If only the US and the UK, whose tacit support allowed the Apartheid regime to stay in place, had seen the light (or been enlightened) ten years earlier.
Imagine what South Africa, Africa and even the world would have gained – from having Mandela leave prison not as an unbroken but enfeebled man in his 70’s but as a vigorous man in his sixties with 15 years of governance left in him to inspire the world but also to mentor and guide a whole generation of potential leaders in South Africa and influentially elsewhere throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
The at best sidewards, lurching of South Africa on a whole range of dimensions would almost certainly have been avoided and with his guidance the turmoil and bloodshed due to bad and immature governance we have seen elsewhere in SA and SSA would have been significantly lessened as SA would have taken its rightful position as a moral and practical beacon.
From: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] On Behalf Of Jean-Christophe Nothias
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 7:56 AM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org; Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
Cc: Mawaki Chango; Devon Blake
Subject: Re: [governance] Mandela: a giant passes
Hommage au Grand homme
With a song by Hugh Masekela
Bring Back Nelson Mandela
Le 6 déc. 2013 à 16:04, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron a écrit :
Despite the glowing legacy bequeathed by Madiba some devil encarnates
still parodes the air to smear the man.
A French TV program last night made us to understand that "Nelson
Mandela could not run for a second term because 'he was a man of power
or prepared for it" They saiq some other useless thing so much so that
my spychic self could not withstand it anymore. I started dosing off
and by the time I woke off, my daughter had switched off the TV.
I started wondering how wome people can delve into such dirty work
with such alacrity and so soon?
However, the sound minded will live to celebrate Madiba as could be
expressed by this South African White wo wire a very tall flower on
the fence of Madiba's compound fence
We (Africans) are in for a live long celebration for Madiba.
On 12/6/13, Mawaki Chango <kichango at gmail.com> wrote:
Exactly, Aron... Right on about meditation (or a pause to reflect) and
congratulations. Yes, I feel like congratulating the freedom fighter, the
strategist-organizer, the statesman and the leader in humanity --while
presenting my heartfelt condolences to the people of South Africa, to the
second-time widow of a freedom fighter, Graça Machel, to the whole Mandela
family and to us all in the name of our common humanity. I'm not sad,
though, because for one I think Mandela's spirit had already left us for
some time, and I rejoice in knowing that his soul has at least been
released from his body, so while he may no longer ex-ist (be on this
reality plane of ours), he now is, nevertheless. Fully. As he was meant to
be. As he always will be.
My greatest fear when he came out of prison: I thought this man has been
put away for 27 years, is he still in touch of our then present reality?
Will he be able to avoid making some serious blunders, the kind that would
make haters go like: "you see, we told you he was a commie and can't be
relied on to lead a country such as South Africa." Admittedly, I myself was
on the lookout --where will the first big gaffe come from? I waited and
feared in vain, thankfully. To my amazement, he astutely navigated through
all the hurdles and traps without compromising his vision and principles.
So much so that from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to his exit
from the national political scene (not to mention his mark on the beautiful
post-apartheid constitution), he set an exemplar that inspires way beyond
his country --not just as a near-martyr but as an active statesman.
Sir, you have given us so much more than anyone can expect from another
human being, let alone from ourselves. Now may you rest eternally in peace.
p.s. My favorite quote about this great transition is from Muhammad Ali,
another legend: "His was a spirit born free, destined to soar above the
rainbow. Today his spirit is soaring through the heavens. He is now forever
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 1:00PM, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
<nyangkweagien at gmail.com
No one missed the news
We were all meditating on the life and deeds of this great giant that
just went home
Genuine souls will live to celebrate his achievements and what came
out from Mandela's mouth
On 12/6/13, Devon Blake <devonrb at gmail.com> wrote:
As one who has been inspired by the life of Mandela and fashioned many
my ideals from his utterances, I say thank you Nelson Mandela and may
soul rest in peace.
To the South African peoples I say, you may have lost a father but the
principles he stood for' his vision and his philosophies remain' Honour
by your practices, and his sacrifices will not be in vain.
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 4:07 AM, Katim S. Touray <kstouray at gmail.com>
Dear all,
For a list like this, I would have thought that the passing a way of
Mandela last night (Fr.) would have been headline news this morning.
no one has woken up yet to say so, I am. As *The Economist* put it
simply: "A giant passes."
Please join me in expressing our since and heartfelt condolences to
humanity on the passing away of a true giant of Africa and one who
eternally, be an inspiration to all those fighting for justice.
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Devon Blake
ICT and Development Consultant
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Kgn 5
,Phone: Office 876-968-4534, Mobile, 876-483-2632
To be kind, To be helpful, To network
*Earthwise ... For Life!*
Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
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Telephone +237 73 42 71 27
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