[governance] Re: [bestbits] Nominees to High Level meeting in Bali on "Global Multi-Stakeholder Cyber Ethics Principles"
parminder at itforchange.net
Wed Aug 14 00:09:06 EDT 2013
in addition to the below issues, we still do not know what the form of
the high level meeting is. Is it a real round table kind of forum where
people get an opportunity to wiegh in substantially or just a 'mix and
make connections' thing which corporates types may still love to do but
not many civil society kinds may to be too eager about.
Also, is their any drafting process for the likely statement to come out
of the HLM. That is crucial.
And, the IGF or non IGF status of the meeting?
I had asked for these clarifications on the IGC list from a civil
society member of the MAG, and await them.
My understanding is that initially is was a kind of a 'formal thing
without real substance', which was to attract high level participation
from governments, esp ministrial level. Kind of peoople who do not come
over just to sit in the audience at the IGF. And when ministers come,
their retinue of senior officials also come along, and that was supposed
to fill in a (really) missing gap at the IG, especially in terms of
governmental participation from developing countires. I will be cautious
to see this meeting take a character and big role for itself, which
could compromise the relatively participative nature of the IGF.
Especially of concern is the declaration that comes from this meeting,
which at present is the only real 'consumable' doc coming out the IGF
environment. So, maybe civil socity may want to think around these
issues as well.
On Wednesday 14 August 2013 08:47 AM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
> On 14/08/13 00:44, Norbert Bollow wrote:
>> Jeremy Malcolm<jeremy at ciroap.org> wrote:
>>>> How about setting up a joint NomCom by inviting members of all the
>>>> various civil society organizations and networks to volunteer for
>>>> the NomCom...
>>> It is a very good plan for the future, but not something that could
>>> be accomplished easily in two weeks.
>> Where does that “two weeks” timeline come from?
> Actually you're quite right, I'm mixing up the deadline for the CSTD
> enhanced cooperation questionnaire (which is in two weeks) with the
> (yet unspecified, but Izumi is finding out) deadline for nominating
> panelists to the High Level Meeting. So maybe we have longer, but
> surely not much longer.
> Establishing (or re-establishing - we had one in WSIS) a high-level
> mechanism for civil society groups to jointly nominate candidates for
> positions is very important, I couldn't agree with you more. But it's
> also ambitious.
> Noting that thanks to your leadership the IGC has a workshop relevant
> to this topic planned for Bali ("MS selection processes:
> accountability and transparency"), it would be better, I feel, to come
> up with a proposal and present it at that workshop. I wouldn't want
> to rush it on account of what is probably a minimally important
> pre-event in Bali.
> However, if you disagree then by all means put your idea to the IGC
> then I can put it to the Best Bits interim steering group and we can
> reach out to the other relevant groups and networks too. If it were me
> though, I would rather wait.
> --
> *Dr Jeremy Malcolm
> Senior Policy Officer
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