[governance] Fwd: [igf_members] WCIT

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Thu Nov 15 20:14:31 EST 2012

I think it 's important for us to join.


From: *Chris Disspain*
日付: 2012年11月12日月曜日
件名: [igf_members] WCIT
To: Internet Governance Forum <igf_members at intgovforum.org>


I write to share some important WCIT news and suggest your
assistance in promoting a new global online petition among the Internet

Today Greenpeace International
Executive Director, Kumi Naidoo, and International Trade Union
Confederation (ITUC) General Secretary Sharan Burrow wrote to UN
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. They expressed their deep concern that
potentially damaging proposals at WCIT will undermine the free, open and
inherently democratic governance of the Internet. Building on their own
relationships within the UN, the leaders of Greenpeace and the ITUC
reminded the UN Secretary General of his promise to promote open and
multi-stakeholder approaches, and asked why one of the UN family is
running a process that is closed and not multi-stakeholder?

Please find attached a copy of the letter which went to Ban Ki Moon.

As to the longer-term implications of this letter, it strikes me that
the entry of the ITUC and Greenpeace is a significant event in the
politics and reach of the Internet governance debate.  ITUC and
Greenpeace have experienced lobbyists, a global footprint of active
national campaigners in over 150 countries, and their own sets of
relationships and influencers in the UN system and national governments.
Greenpeace and the ITUC are concerned the proposals to be discussed by
WCIT will damage the Internet on which they rely to serve the interests
of their combined total of 178 million members.  The ITUC is also keen
to ensure that nothing emerges out of the WCIT and other Internet
Governance discussions which can upset the present rules for
international trade, nor dampen the role of the Internet economy as
being one of the sparse sparks of growth in the global economy.

Both organisations see their engagement as being a long-term commitment
to the issue -- I think this could be something of step function shift
in the engagement of new constituencies with the Internet Governance debate.

Below is an update on the campaign being launched:

- launching publicly on Monday in London at the Foreign Press
Association - targeting reporters from a range of international
mastheads in the one place. Sharan Burrow, the General Secretary of the
ITUC, Vint Cerf and Paul Twomey will be speaking.

- a global online petition will be launched throughchange.org
<http://change.org> on Monday - this is the main 'ask' for union members
and civil society -http://www.change.org/netgrab
It would be very useful if the broader Internet civil society community
could be engaged and encouraged to participate in the change.org campaign

- the attached info graphic has been translated into eight languages and
will be the anchor of social media strategies. Please feel free to
distribute both the letter and the graphic with members of the Internet
civil society.

- regular news stories and features will begin to be posted on
www.equaltimes.org - these will be able to be shared via Facebook.

Following the launch the  focus will shift to assisting specific
affiliates in various target countries to drive the message in their
local media and push out the petition.

If you want to speak further concerning the media conference -- or
want to direct a journalist to any of the panelists, please
contact Maria Farrell.Please circulate this to your
relevant media contacts.If they wish to dial-in to the briefing, they
should emailmaria.farrell at gmail.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
'maria.farrell at gmail.com');><mailto:maria.farrell at gmail.com<javascript:_e({},
'cvml', 'maria.farrell at gmail.com');>
Maria can also arrange one-on-one interviews with the panelists.

                     >> Izumi Aizu <<
Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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