[governance] IGF Establishment
Sonigitu Ekpe
sonigituekpe at crossriverstate.gov.ng
Wed May 30 15:46:33 EDT 2012
Dear Great Fellows and Friends,
The IGF is really matured.+1@ Avri.--
Sonigitu Ekpe Project Support Officer[Agriculturist] Cross River Farm Credit Scheme Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3 Barracks Road P.M.B. 1119 Calabar - Cross River State, Nigeria. Mobile +234 805 0232 469 Office + 234 802 751 0179 "LIFE is all about love and thanksgiving"
Avri Doria wrote:
> On 30 May 2012, at 10:32, Kleinwächter, Wolfgang wrote:
> > Parminder:
> > Going back to the early days of the IGF, the IGF establishment firmly blocked any reference to EC in MAG discussion.
> >
> > Wolfgang:
> > Can you clarify what the "IGF establishment" is?
> Well the secretariat definitely did keep it off the agenda - Nitin said it did not belong to the IGF and we did not question this.. As a member of that secretariat until a year ago, I did not even begin to think of it as a possibility until I left the secretariat and started thinking for myself again and rereading the Sacred Books of WSIS. It was, for all intents and purposes taboo, and no one in the MAG, up until today, ever seriously argued that it should be included. Several voices in the IGC did (Jeremy foremost among them), and maybe even an advisor to the chair did, but I can't remember a MAG member doing so.
> And at that point, most of those from the Internet community were not willing to even discuss what we not euphemistically call management of critical Internet resources. I put it down to FUD and the immaturity of the organization at that point, it was still finding its way. (I know some people object strongly to that way of looking at it)
> Now, the IGF is much more mature and has found out that no subject should be taboo. As far as I am concerned the IGF, and its MAG, should start plotting its own course.
> avri
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