IETF WAS Re: [governance] Enhanced Cooperation (was Re: reality check on economics)

Andrea Glorioso andrea at
Wed May 23 11:13:27 EDT 2012

Dear Avri,

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Avri Doria <avri at> wrote:

> Dear Andrea,
> As you, and others, were denigrating a model I think works and is an
> exemplar, I considered it necessary make common cause with those who defend
> the model from those who denigrate it. There are few enough workable
> instances of multistakeholder participatory democracy (MPD).  While these
> MPDs are imperfect and must continue to evolve and improve, I do not think
> any of us who are part of these organizations and who support these
> organizations can allow them to be rendered irrelevant by those who appear
> to support a multilateral government oversight (MGO) approach.

Frankly, if you think that my comments on the IETF amounted to denigrating
the organisation (DTO), we have a serious communication problem (SCP). As a
matter of fact, I conceded for the sake of discussion (SOD) that the IETF
is free from capture by large industry players (LIP); and that the
decision-making model (DMM) used by the IETF is producing good results
within the specific remit of the organisation (GRWTSROTO).

I did, however, question in a very socratic sense (VSS), being myself at
the ignorant side of the relationship, whether and how the IETF model could
be applied to public policy making (PPM); as well as which kind of
objective metrics one could use to analyse all of the above (AOTA), rather
than relying on the say-so of anyone.

For the time being, I concluded there is hope, since some civil servants
and some IETF participants do seem to have something in common, namely the
(forced?) passion for acronyms - I am currently writing an NtF for a pre-JF
with the CAB in which the LTT for the SC of next week will be discussed. I
kid you not, these are all real acronyms in an eurocrat daily life and I
welcome you to try and guess what they mean. :)


I speak only for myself. Sometimes I do not even agree with myself. Keep it
in mind.
Twitter: @andreaglorioso
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