IETF WAS Re: [governance] Enhanced Cooperation (was Re: reality check on economics)

Andrea Glorioso andrea at
Wed May 23 03:57:21 EDT 2012

Dear Norbert, dear all,

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Norbert Bollow <nb at> wrote:

> Andrea Glorioso <andrea at> wrote:
> > It seems to me Ian provided at least two metrics (solution of basic
> > architectural issues such as security and identity, and adoption of IPv6)
> > which one may use to judge the success of IETF. They seem to me to be
> > fairly objective and operational.
> On what basis do you blame the failure of providing good solutions to
> these problems specifically on the IETF? IETF does not have a monopoly
> on trying to come up with solutions to these or any other problems!

As a matter of fact, I did not blame the IETF for anything. I simply pointed
out that one person suggested two metrics on which the success of the
"IETF model" could be evaluated in a more objective manner than simply
saying "I've been in organisation X for Y number of years and I think it
is better than organisation Z".

However, let me point out that although the IETF may not have a "monopoly"
in solving these and/or similar problems, its supporters do tend to present
it as the best option for Internet-related standards-setting and, therefore,
one may infer that other options should not be pursued.



I speak only for myself. Sometimes I do not even agree with myself. Keep it
in mind.
Twitter: @andreaglorioso
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