[governance] India's proposal for a 50 member UN committee for Internet Related Policies
Robert Guerra
rguerra at privaterra.org
Fri May 18 03:18:25 EDT 2012
4 quick comments:
- Agree with Avri's that Parminder's proposals seems to be inconsistent with the agreed to language of the Tunis Agenda (paras 67-72). The proposal is a dangerous step back, one that shifts discussion away from the IGF, and reduces the effective opportunity for non-governmental actors to be involved in Internet Governance.
During the WSIS process all non-governmental actors fought really hard to be "allowed in the room" with govts. Your proposal, I fear would reverse that and
shift the discussion and decision making to bodies where rules of procedure are far more restrictive and exclusionary.
- Parminder, in your article you mention that you have the support of civil society. Just blasting your views everywhere has the media thinking all of civil society agrees with your views. There is , well, considerable disagreement with many of your points. Please recognize that and recognize that and stop insinuating that you have a broad level of support.
- Having a differences of opinion and being able to debate and discuss and find areas where we there might be common ground is a discussion I look forward to..
R. Guerra
Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom
Email: rguerra at privaterra.org
On 2012-05-18, at 8:01 AM, Avri Doria wrote:
> Hi,
> Without getting into the discussion over the merits of the marketing campaign for Parminder's proposal, I have to admit I just do not understand how turning over a process that according to the agreed langauge of the Tunis Agenda (paras 67-72) should be within IGF's scope to the CSTD or some other government dominated body increases democratization.
> In most every possible way I can think of, this appears to be a step backward.
> avri
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