[governance] Visit to spain SCAM
Ginger Paque
ginger at paque.net
Wed May 16 06:46:59 EDT 2012
I know of Zeeshan Shoki since 2009 as an online person from the University
of Karachi, interested in IG. I have seen other email accounts hacked this
way, so I have some sympathy/empathy. As he recovers his accounts, I hope
he will update us on what happened, if nothing else, so we can learn from
his experience.
If however, he is having serious problems with his email account being
compromised, he might not be reading this thread, or be aware that the
email was propagated through it.
Cheers... Ginger
On 16 May 2012 01:45, Rui Correia <correia.rui at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone actually know this 'person'? This is the first time the list
> receives an email from this address, though the said "Zeeshan Shoki"
> nominated himself/ was nominated for the NomCom, as you can see from the
> email from Izumi below.
> Best regards,
> Rui
> ----------
> From Izumi on the 7th of this month - see very last name.
> Dear list,
> Among the 38 volunteers for NomCom, one person joined IGC mailing list
> in less than two months ago, thus I made the lottery draw selection from
> the following 37 candidates using the results of the last week's lottery
> closed on Saturday as announced.
> The following five persons are selected as New NomCom members.
> Congratulations!
> Asif Kabani
> Hakikur Rahman
> Naveed-ul-Haq
> Shahid Uddin Akbar
> Wilson Abigaba
> And the following three persons are the reserves.
> Thomas Lowenhaupt
> Devon Blake
> Dixie Hawtin
> We will first confirm the five selected persons if they are willing to
> serve.
> Hope all five will accept the result. If not, we need to ask the people in
> the reserve pool to join.
> After that we will select the non-voting Chair.
> Many thanks,
> izumi
> 37 candidates:
> ---------------------
> Adam Peake
> Anriette Esterhuysen
> Asif Kabani
> Baudouin Schombe
> Carlton SAMUELS
> Charity Gamboa-Embley
> Deirdre Williams
> Devon Blake
> Dixie Hawtin
> Fouad Baija
> Ginger Paque
> Guru
> Hakikur Rahman
> Ian Peter
> Iliya Bazlyankov
> Jacob Odame
> Jeremy Hunsinger
> Jeremy Malcolm
> Julián Casasbuenas G.
> Keisha Taylor
> Ken Stubbs
> Kerry Brown
> Lorna Simiyu
> Madeeha Rehman
> Michael gurstein
> Naveed-ul-Haq
> Norbert Klein
> Naveed-ul-Haq
> Shaila Mistry
> Sonigitu Ekpe
> Sunil Abraham
> Tapani Tarvainen
> Thomas Lowenhaupt
> Vanda Scartezini
> Naveed-ul-Haq
> Zeeshan Shoki
> ------------
> -----------
> On 16 May 2012 00:37, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:
>> **
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From:* governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [mailto:
>> governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] *On Behalf Of *Zeeshan shoki
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2012 4:32 PM
>> *To:* zeeshan_shoki at yahoo.com
>> *Subject:* [governance] Visit to spain
>> Hope you get this on time,sorry I didn't inform you about my trip in
>> Spain for a program, I'm presently in Madrid and am having some
>> difficulties here because. we misplaced our Bags and cell phone on our way
>> back to the hotel we lodge in after we went for sight seeing. The Bags
>> contained all the valuables we had. Now, my passport is in custody of the
>> hotel management pending when we make payment.
>> I am sorry if I am inconveniencing you, but I have only very few people
>> to run to now. I will be indeed very grateful if I can get a loan of
>> €1,550 EURO from you. this will enable me sort our hotel bills and get my
>> sorry self back home. I will really appreciate whatever you can afford in
>> assisting me with. I promise to refund it in full as soon as I return. let
>> me know if you can be of any assistance. Please, let me know soonest.
>> Thanks so much.
>> Best Regards
>> Zeeshan Shoki
>> Chief Executive
>> Pak Education Society/
>> Pakistan Development Network
>> Karachi,Pakistan
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> --
> _________________________
> Mobile Number in Namibia +264 81 445 1308
> Número de Telemóvel na Namíbia +264 81 445 1308
> I am away from Johannesburg - you cannot contact me on my South African
> numbers
> Estou fora de Joanesburgo - não poderá entrar em contacto comigo através
> dos meus números sul-africanos
> Rui Correia
> Advocacy, Human Rights, Media and Language Consultant
> Angola Liaison Consultant
> _______________
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