[governance] ICANN Wraps Up Prague Meeting on Thursday

Izumi AIZU aizu at anr.org
Wed May 2 21:35:08 EDT 2012

+ 2

In the very beginning of ICANN meeting, the Board meeting was all
closed, and with lots of criticisms, including US Congress/Government
pressure, after it was reported that ICANN would introduce "$1 Domain
Tax", the Board reluctantly decided to open up the meeting to the
Unfortunately, that also made the Board making many discussions and
decisions during the week behind the scenes to certain extent, yet, as
Carlton points out, sometimes we could see different board members
made different statements (such as for .xxx case).
Having informal and interactive discussions between Board and other
members are welcome, but making no publicly viewable Board
remains questionable. If it is a congress, all meetings are usually
open to public, right?


2012/5/2 CW Mail <mail at christopherwilkinson.eu>:
> + 1
> CW
> I shall not be there.
> On 01 May 2012, at 19:34, SAMUELS,Carlton A wrote:
>> Here's my response to the announcement on an ICANN list:
>> - Carlton Samuels
>> ====================================================
>> I'm sure I may be in the minority to bemoan the passing of the usual
>> 'public' Friday morning ICANN Board meeting.
>> Let us be clear I'm not just hopped off the truck here. I'm familiar
>> enough with these matters to recognize it for what it is principally
>> intended; theatre.  But in the ICANN context, even crafted theatre has its
>> role.
>> First, I truly believe that for a claimed multistakeholder organisation
>> and while the 'public' board meeting may not have been all it could be, it
>> was an important indicator or attribute of the MSM, especially having regard
>> the global public interest.
>> Secondly, even if the votes are already taken, there existed an outside
>> chance that one may witness truly revealing 'body language' of participants.
>>  Maybe its because for most of my life I have always straddled several
>> socio-political realities. But I am socialized to be ever mindful that one
>> may 'feel the hand of Esau even as you hear the voice of Jacob'.
>> I can still hear Susan Crawford's cathartic farewell speech in 2008.  It
>> was remarkable, the response in body language of several board members told
>> a story.  I will concede it may not mean much, then and there.  Aferall, the
>> deed is done and the die is cast. But when the 'fire next time' comes, it is
>> instructive.
>> - Carlton Samuels
>> _________________________________

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