[governance] Bradley Manning

Robert Guerra rguerra at privaterra.org
Thu Mar 15 22:23:50 EDT 2012


I should have qualified my earlier message with what you've just written - that being, a name in a subject line and a URL devoid of any context , well, seems off scope for the list.

A bit of context explaining how the issue might be linked to the subject at hand - well, is quite helpful.

Wikileaks and Manning well, bring up all sorts of issues related such as  - transparency, due process, human rights and whistle blowing. If they are issues people want discussed at the IGF, then I suggest we strategize how they could be developed into workshop proposals.



R. Guerra
Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom 
Email: rguerra at privaterra.org

On 2012-03-15, at 9:20 PM, nhklein wrote:

> Maybe the Subject Line with the name of an individual is distracting - what Wolfgang posted is about a statement by the United Nations special rapporteur on torture, saying that the treatment of a prisoner in the USA "was cruel, inhuman and degrading" - and it was in response to some alleged activities on the Internet.
> As the IGF is concerned  with Internet procedures based on the law, the allegations of the United Nations special rapporteur on torture seem to be an important element to be discussed, especially in relation to concerns that all countries should be equally observing the content of UN Conventions and treaties.
> Norbert  
> On 03/16/2012 06:32 AM, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:
>> Why "instead"??
>> --c.a.
>> sent from a dumbphone
>> On 15/03/2012, at 15:42, Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org> wrote:
>>> Wolfgang,
>>> Instead of sharing news on and about Manning, i'd be more interested in you thoughts and those of others on this list what workshops might be of interest ahead of the April 15th deadline.
>>> It's more or less a month from now.
>>> I personally believe that more time should be focused on strategy and substantive contributions that will make IGF 2012 a success. 
>>> regards
>>> Robert
>>> --
>>> R. Guerra
>>> Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
>>> Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom 
>>> Email: rguerra at privaterra.org
>>> On 2012-03-15, at 5:05 PM, Kleinwächter, Wolfgang wrote:
>>>> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/manning-treatment-inhuman/
>>>> wolfgang
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> -- 
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> Norbert Klein
> nhklein at gmx.net
> Phnom Penh / Cambodia
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