[governance] Cyber Dialogue 2012 / Conference details now online ...

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Sat Mar 10 20:29:38 EST 2012

For those interested, I was invited to contribute a paper on some aspect of stewardship, and chose IP addressing.


From: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] On Behalf Of Robert Guerra
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 7:16 PM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org
Subject: [governance] Cyber Dialogue 2012 / Conference details now online ...

I wanted to share with members of the list details of the annual Cyber Dialogue that will be taking place next week in Toronto.


The aim of the annual Cyber Dialogue (presented by the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto) is to convene an influential mix of global leaders from government, civil society, academia and private enterprise to participate in a series of facilitated public plenary conversations and working groups around cyberspace security and governance.

The second annual Cyber Dialogue forum takes place March 18-19 2012 in Toronto, Canada. Building upon last year's successful dialogue - Securing the Cyber Commons? - this year's Cyber Dialogue will address the question: "What is Stewardship in Cyberspace"

Conference Agenda - http://www.cyberdialogue.ca/agenda/

Conference Readings - http://www.cyberdialogue.ca/readings/

Stewardship is widely defined as an ethic of responsible behavior and management of resources, typically in mixed or common pooled settings such as the environment. Cyberspace is increasingly seen as one of these mixed or common pool resources, which raises the question: What does it mean to be a “steward of cyberspace” as a government, a government’s armed forces, a company, an NGO, a social movement, an engineer, a hacktivist, or a citizen?

How should these actors behave in cyberspace? Do they have different roles as stewards? What should they do or not do? Where are the gaps? What is an appropriate balance? Do we need stewardship in cyberspace at all? And how does stewardship relate to strategy in cyberspace?

To explore stewardship and how it relates to cyberspace we have commissioned a special paper series with contributions from thought leaders in the field.

Christopher Bronk – A Governance Switchboard: Scalability Issues in International Cyber Policymaking

Franklyn Griffiths – Stewardship as Concept and Practice in an Arctic Context

Melissa E Hathaway and John E. Savage – Stewardship of Cyberspace: Duties for Internet Service Providers

James Andrew Lewis – Stewardship, Security, and Cyberspace

Milton Mueller – Stewardship and the Management of Internet Protocol Addresses
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