[governance] ICANN staff member and Stratfor

Daniel Kalchev daniel at digsys.bg
Sat Mar 3 17:20:30 EST 2012

On Mar 3, 2012, at 8:17 PM, Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro wrote:

> But is that enough to insinuate that the leak came from him? Could  someone have hacked into his mailbox or sent the email from his government mailing address with the intention of destroying his reputation?

This can in theory be confirmed by that government agency. They do keep records for any and all e-mail correspondence. (we had to verify that few times already) But.. the agency itself was somehow shady and it was later dismantled for various (political and other) reasons. So it's archives might have been destroyed as well -- or will be destroyed shortly :)

Like I already mentioned, I don't have any doubt this correspondence is authentic. I also have no doubts, that the agency will not confirm anything.

> Would a reasonable person intending to send information do so from a public address which is subject to internal scrutiny and mechanisms?

The people working at that agency had rather close relationship with the then ruling party in the Bulgarian Government. That party is the ancestor of the Bulgarian Communist Party and for many, represent the "old regime" (ok, it's more complex than that, but the word "oligarch" sort of describes the situation).

So one could pretty much imagine, that anyone at DAITS felt untouchable. They would imagine that they control .. everything.

Then, sending the e-mail from an Government endorsed e-mail address makes it more "important" (in the eyes of those people).

> Assuming that there was a deliberate move to destroy Veni, what I am interested in is what is the reason behind targeting Veni and what is the "unseen play" that "someone" does'nt want us to "see".

Ironically, if you ask Veni who that might be, my name would be first in the list. :-)

Ironically again, I don't have that much spare time to waste to hack his e-mail accounts and impersonate him. 
I also doubt very much anyone would be interested in dong this -- Veni has done enough himself trough the years -- much more than anyone else could achieve.

Internet is one of those wonderful things, where anonymity is non-existent and anything you do is recorded forever. 


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