[governance] Twitter to add to Balkanization of the Web

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Fri Jan 27 04:11:14 EST 2012

In message 
<CAD=1Ovf_Er95PUBBnsnZ21=NA_fYt+36ZAFy-Xpep7BuMQ6mwg at mail.gmail.com>, at 
22:51:50 on Thu, 26 Jan 2012, Paul Lehto <lehto.paul at gmail.com> writes
>This relates to one big reason Google (via Vint Cerf) would oppose a 
>right to ACCESS the "Internet"

Isn't there a danger of confusing access to the Internet with access to 
particular content sites on the Internet?

> -- most people naturally think of the internet as international and 
>various parties, including but not limited to Google and Twitter, and 
>putting more and more structural barriers in place to accessing the 
>free international internet

To use their own example, they'd respect the law in Germany, regarding 
pro-Nazi content, by withholding it from Germany rather than removing it 
from the whole world.

That retains the individual's right of freedom on *speech*, but 
restricts the right to *listen* in some places (but only because of the 
law in that place).

eBay has being doing this kind of thing for years - selectively 
restricting prohibited products depending on the country it's offered 
for sale. And all countries (even the USA) have things they wouldn't 
want you to tweet about.
Roland Perry

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