[governance] Cerfing the Web, or Serfing the Web? (Understanding Google's Internet Evangelism against Internet Access Rights)

Riaz K Tayob riaz.tayob at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 10:23:20 EST 2012

Ask anyone in africa with HIV who does not have access to treatment 
(because of high costs charged by BigPharma)... the right to health/life 
is lower than "authors rights"... these were the forces that were 
strengthened during the go-go 90s in the first world... and while there 
is a legal right to copy medicines (compulsory licensing) many countries 
cannot because of the unilateral use by the US of its Super 301 "name 
and shame" list of countries who do not protect its intellectual 
property rights... the IPR rentier class is powerful and SOPA and PIPA 
may be watered down a little but they are coming ... if not in local 
legislation then via Free Trade Agreements that the US signs... what can 
I say, welcome to Africa!

On 2012/01/17 04:25 PM, Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> Property rights is one of the human rights. How could property rights 
> be against other human rights?
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