[governance] URGENT - Nominations for the MAG

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at eff.org
Wed Jan 11 11:25:44 EST 2012

I defer on process to the nomination Committee. I was only highlighting 
that the rules does not apply to the current composition of the MAG.

On 1/11/12 7:47 AM, Roland Perry wrote:
> In message <4F0C6941.1010905 at eff.org>, at 08:37:21 on Tue, 10 Jan 
> 2012, Katitza Rodriguez <katitza at eff.org> writes
>> I think all existed MAG members have more than 2 years. I think I was 
>> one of the latest one in the rotation, and I already have 3 years.
> There are only 20 MAG members as "recent" as yourself (another is Fouad).
> Unless the plan is to keep every single one as the un-rotated third of 
> the MAG (in which case I would have expected them to say so) then the 
> un-rotated MAG will have to be a mixture of "3 year" and "older". 
> Which has the inevitable consequence that some of the "3 year" will be 
> rotated off.
> I think I any stakeholder group should be looking at re-nominating 
> their best people, irrespective of how long they've served (or indeed 
> whether they served once and have been rotated off in earlier years).

Katitza Rodriguez
International Rights Director
Electronic Frontier Foundation
katitza at eff.org
katitza at datos-personales.org (personal email)

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