[governance] WG on IGF improvements: 11-13 Jan

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 14:36:23 EST 2012

Dear all,

As you know, the next meeting of the Working group on IGF improvements will
take place next week, 11 to 13 January. This meeting will be a little
atypical, as there will be no financial support for civil society
participation. We were officially told about this last month, a few days
before holidays. Because of that, Anriette and I will not be able to
physically participate this time. We will connect through remote
participation tools. Parminder, Wolfgang and Izumi will attend the meeting
representing civil society and they will read a statement that expresses
our disagreement with this lack of support for CS participation.

The chair has published a good and accurate summary of the last meeting:
We advanced on some important topics, such as MAG and outcomes, but we are
still lagging behind on others, such as funding and the work of the

In spite of the quality of the document, I felt the need to "taxonomically"
organize the proposals. It helped me to have a more clear understanding of
where we stand, so I decided to share these personal notes here. I have
used the broad agreements as "headlines", and under them I have copied the
related specific proposals, including those that were on separate text.

The goal of the next meeting is to go into the real drafting of the report.
Any comments or suggestions that can help us move forward on this delicate
exercise will be more than welcome.

Best wishes,

Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
FGV Direito Rio

Center for Technology and Society
Getulio Vargas Foundation
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
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