[governance] Privacy Audits of Facebook by the Irish Data Protection Commission and Responses

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 10:49:00 EST 2012

For those with an interest, a colleague who evidently wishes to remain
anonymous has just pointed me to a series of documents which are an audit of
Facebook's privacy approach by the Irish Data Protection Commission,
Facebook's response and the re-audit by the Irish Data Protection Commission
as below




<http://dataprotection.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=1233&m=f> &m=f



The Canadian Privacy Commissioner has also done a review:



The Irish undertook the review (acting it appears on behalf of the EU)
because FB is an Irish registered company (presumably for tax purposes).  


The Canadian Commissioner undertook the review to ensure that 

"These changes mean that the privacy of 200 million (2009) Facebook users in
Canada and around the world will be far better protected," says Privacy
Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart.


Does this mean that every country in the world needs to do it's own audit of

Does this meant that every country in the world needs to do a re-audit
everytime FB changes its approach to privacy/tweaks its business model!?!

How/where/with what resources does the individual who feels somehow
aggrieved by the activities undertaken by FB gain legal redress?

Is Facebook too big to be allowed to fail in its (data privacy and other)
obligations (Is Facebook a Human Right?
d-tunisia-transform-social-media/> )

Isn't this a matter of global Internet governance? 

(Do we really expect the Data Protection Commissioner of Ireland to ensure
the privacy rights of 1 billion global users of Facebook? 



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