[governance] Internet humbles UN telecoms agency

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Thu Dec 13 19:10:57 EST 2012

On Dec 13, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

> Agree with Declan here. It may be true that no new ITRs is the best available outcome. I don't agree with the idea that we are compelled to find an "agreement" when no principled basis for agreement exists. 

Fully agree.  It's very unfortunate that there was some principled basis for 
agreement (for example, with respect to enabling mobile roaming globally, and 
working to a globally coordinated emergency services number) but agreement in 
these areas will be lost due to insistence on Internet matters in the final 
ITR text by some governments which is in direct conflict with insistence that 
no Internet reference appear in the ITRs by some other governments. 

In most of the Internet institutions I'm aware of (IETF, RIRs), this would 
result in an final ratifying the areas common agreement, and the areas of 
significant disagreement being left out to be discussed at a further time.

Alas, this is apparently not how governments handle these situations, or at
least not in the plenary in Dubai.


Disclaimers: My views alone.  Feel free to insert brackets around anything 
you disagree with in order to make your own version.

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