[governance] Another conflict of interest at ICANN : SAD !!
Norbert Bollow
nb at bollow.ch
Tue Dec 11 07:14:05 EST 2012
I had written:
>> And this is doubly true when, as in the present situation, it
>> concerns an accusation that damages the reputation of individuals
>> and/or an organisation.
Gideon Rop <gideonrop at gmail.com> replied:
> Really this is not personal it is professional. We do not feel at
> all we have damaged any one's reputation. The only thing DCA asked
> is that they recuse themselves from decisions and discussions
> on .africa. In DCA's estimation the matter remains unsettled.
Well what ICANN's ombudsman answered was an (actual or implied or
perhaps wrongly assumed to be implied) accusation of misconduct.
Did DCA's letters explicitly ask only "that they recuse themselves from
decisions and discussions on .africa"?
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