[governance] IGC on Facebook?
Tracy F. Hackshaw @ Google
tracyhackshaw at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 08:55:31 EDT 2011
Still not sure why Jeremy's suggestion is not acceptable.
Agree with Jacqueline, Siva and David at the same time.
And why not use not only FB, but G+, LinkedIn, Orkut, YouTube, Quora,
etc etc not to discuss or "fully engage" but to EDUCATE non-IGC
members about the IGC at a high level and POINT to the IGC Open
Discussion Tools/Social Network/Thingamajig?
On 9/7/11, Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org> wrote:
> Without the picture, I will respond to the points Imran raised.
> 2011/9/7 Imran Ahmed Shah <ias_pk at yahoo.com>
>> While I was reading the thread, discussion and the option you have
>> selected, I feel it necessary to highlight the other angle (dark side).
>> When we create a group on facebook, we go through the following option
>> regarding features and types of groups whereas the Closed Group option is
>> one of them. Closed Group: anyone can see the group discussion but only
>> members can see the wall, discussion board and photos.
> I think as a Closed Group, only the members can see the posts. Others
> can see who are in it, but nothing more. Which might be a problem.
>> As you have decided to start with the “Closed Group” of facebook, my
>> concern are as follows.
> I have not "decided" to start with "Closed Group" on Facebook
> formally. I created it as an
> experimental page, yes, but not a substantive one.
>> 1. Well, once the group is created, the discussion of the IGC-CS
>> Members may be viewable for the public but in order to give some comments
>> or to participate in the discussion, IGC-CS Members has to sign up the
>> Facebook and join this closed group (with the admin’s approval i.e. the
>> coordinators’ approval).
> You can examine how this closed group works by trying to see it
> already there, as experimental
> purpose only. If you have not joined, you will not be able to see the
> content of the group.
> And I have not made this group approved only by the admin. Any member can
> invite
> and add any other friends.
>> 2. Now my point is this that every IGC-CS Member has to sign up the
>> Facebook, and for this purpose we must need a full consensus to modify the
>> charter that the IGC-CS Members may also have to become the member of the
>> facebook group to participate in the discussion. And for this consensus,
>> it will be necessary to provide the awareness of the side effect of the
>> facebook type social network websites by mentioning their terms and
>> conditions that may have conflict in privacy and data integrity. Most
>> probably some or many of the IGC Member do not like to signup facebook
>> network or at least through their native or primary email address to
>> protect their data, contact and/or other information.
> ONLY if we agree to make the Facebook page as a kind of formal place
> for dialogue among
> IGC members, then yes, every CG IGC member has to sign up for Facebook. And
> that
> will require consensus of our members. I think whether we need to
> modify the Charter or not
> depends on how we propose and define the use of this group. My
> intention has been not to
> make this FB page as formal body of CS IGC, but rather a tool for outreach.
> And, if our members do not like this idea, and instead like to start
> our own social network
> or any other tool, I am completely open for it. But it again depends
> on what exactly we
> want to achieve.
>> 3. Otherwise, if the coordinators and/or any of the IGC-CS Member
>> like to enhance the projection of the IGC activities, they may be allowed
>> to publish final versions of related materials, reports and/or activities
>> (but not the raw discussion), on any other public blog/forum/social
>> networking site.
> Yes, this is closer to what I am thinking.
>> 4. According to review, current voting and comments in favor of
>> facebook are agreed on putting the IGC Activities or progress information
>> sharing for the millions of the facebook user. And that relates to above
>> mentioned item No.3 only.
> OK.
> My suggestion remains that within agreed framework, I like to start
> using FB group as experimental.
> There is no way to make it "secret". Either "open" or "closed" could
> be an option.
> However, I like to continue the discussion here online, as well as
> there at Nairobi, before making
> any consensus call.
>> I hope that your you will review my points thoroughly before opening or
>> publishing facebook close group.
> Sorry, in a way, I have opened a closed group already, but it is just
> experimenting the functions
> as I am not familiar with the use of FB. If you all really feel not
> comfortable even with this
> "experimentation", please comment so so that I may shut it down until
> we reach consensus.
> I think "seeing is believing" and at this stage there is little risk
> for the experimentation.
> But I may be wrong ;-)
> izumi
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