[governance] Re: IGC on Facebook?

Deirdre Williams williams.deirdre at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 10:48:46 EDT 2011

4 - I'm one too :-)

And I agree with what Jacqueline has to say, except for her last sentence:

I don't think it's necessary to have a separate social net for us...

which I suspect may be an irony anyway?

"We" (the IGC) ARE a "social net", because "social nets" are not Facebook or
MySpace or Second Life but an intercommunication of people which may (or may
not) be facilitated by technology.


On 6 September 2011 10:19, David Allen <David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu>wrote:

> Well, between Carlos, Michael Froomkin and myself ... that is three of the
> 5 or 6 Internet users not on Facebook.  And all of us here, in IGC ...
> I echo Michael Froomkin's concern with architecture (I think).  Facebook,
> like AoL of yore, veers toward a closed silo, trying to fill so many needs
> of the user that there is hardly a need to venture beyond its walled garden.
>  The advent on a Facebook email function settled the matter.  How many years
> did we work, to make proprietary email systems interoperate?  And now
> another one pops up, spawned by Facebook.  'Nuff said.
> Human beings have been social for what? - a hundred thousand years?  Yes,
> we can use digital tools to make that even better.  But not at the expense
> of selling ourselves and our relationships as advertising chattel.  Most
> certainly, not at the expense of being captured in yet another walled
> garden.
> To that end:  As has already been noted, any use of Facebook  by IGC for
> information not distributed to _all_ will exclude those who are not on
> Facebook.  And it seems virtually impossible to use Facebook without some
> exchanges that unavoidably contain important information, but that are
> trapped behind its wall.  QED.
> David
> On Sep 6, 2011, at 8:56 AM, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:
>  It seems by now I am one of those 5-6 Internet users who is *not* on
>> Facebook, and I will not change my mind.
>> frt rgds
>> --c.a.
>> On 09/06/2011 04:19 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
>>> Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org> wrote:
>>>> It just came to my mind to have our Page on Facebook, be it closed or
>>>> open
>>>> or both. What do you think?  I think it's worth a try, at least.
>>>> I was thinking to ask all IGC members who is coming to Nairobi
>>>> to share their contact/hotel info, and thinking of using some
>>>> online facility. Other than mailing list and official website,
>>>> we have not much, and then realized how about using Facebook,
>>>> (or any other social tool).
>>> I agree that it would be good to use some kind of online tool for
>>> this purpose, perhaps a wiki?
>>> I'd suggest to rather avoid Facebook because of the abysmal track
>>> record and attitude regarding privacy matters.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Norbert
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