[governance] Final version open letter to e-G20 re: Civil Society Inclusion/non-Inclusion
Fouad Bajwa
fouadbajwa at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 04:16:02 EDT 2011
I agree with Parminders view about globally representative forums.......
On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:08 AM, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> On Friday 07 October 2011 02:44 AM, McTim wrote:
> Except that he wants "major decisions should be taken by a globally
> representative forum.",
> The reference to a 'globally representative forum' is vis a vis the kind of
> 'decisions' that OECD, G 8 and G 20 kind of forums take. In general, for a
> wiser set of functions we can speak of forums instead of forum as long as we
> dont forget the 'globally representative part'. It is also somewhat amazing
> how easily how ignore that part - about the undemocratic nature of global
> decisions/ policy making in relation to the Internet.
> when in fact, it is multiple fora each making
> decisions about their own little corner of the Internet
> 'the little corner' thing is a myth. Most of them make decisions for the
> Internet for the whole world, and you know it.
> that has been
> the successful model of what we now call Internet governance.
> Successful for whom? That always is 'the' question. Internet's net
> neutrality is now increasingly being 'officially' transgressed. What was a
> public network of millions of networks, is now increasingly largely
> consisting of few mega private spaces. The story can go on....... parminder
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