[governance] Re: Proposal to Merge Website and Mailing List Consultations [Administration/Logistics]

Imran Ahmed Shah ias_pk at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 01:39:42 EST 2011

Dear Izumi and Sala.

I agree with your proposal for the arrangements to merge Webhosting and
Mailing List.

Thanks to Jeremy, who is offering further support (extended).

I also agree for the fund raising and willing to deposit proposed funds,
however, you need to sort-out the method for the collection of the funds.



I am also interested to know that is website hosting is being migrated at
the mailing list or mailing list is being migrated to the domain hosting

I think that if mailing list is being migrated at Hosting Location, the new
mailing list will be different from .. at lists.CPSR.org. If it is like this,
should everyone (members) will have to subscribe the new mailing list or
there will be any seem less transition.


Thanks & Regards


Imran Ahmed Shah


From: governance at lists.cpsr.org [mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org] On Behalf
Of Izumi AIZU
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:57 AM
To: Governance List
Subject: [governance] Re: Proposal to Merge Website and Mailing List
Consultations [Administration/Logistics]


Sala, I believe that this is your first "work" message as co-coordinator to
the list, again congratulations! And thank you for making the clear


Just to explain a little more. Until now, Jeremy has kindly extended his

after stepping down from the co-coordinator around the web management.

He also worked very hard to streamline the web site management and 

improved it vastly as we all know.


In order to further strengthen and stabilize our web operation, he suggested

that we consider the merging of the web and mailing list servers, and also

move it to a stable, commercial hosting. He will kindly offer his service

for the transition work, too.


So, we, co-coordinators discussed about this, and concluded that it's time

to start migration, with proper fund-raising. I believe $150 is also annual

cost for the server, thus $500 for 3 years. Jeremy, correct me if I am


For the fund, we welcome both small payment as well as big (?) money.

I mean if you could pledge say $50 per person, that will be highly


We may not take the vote, but rough consensus on this list

should be sufficient for the action.  


But we like to listen to you all first.


Thank you.




2011/11/16 Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro
<salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com>

Dear All,


:) Greetings from Asia Pacific! Trusting that you are all in excellent
health. This email is in relation to our the status of our website and
mailing list. Izumi and I have had discussions with Jeremy. 


Kindly find the Summary enclosed and for those who are new to the list, we
warmly welcome you. For those who are interested in further information on
the range of dialogue that has taken place in the past, you have the option
of going into the archived mail via the CPSR site or read the background
information below the Summary.




1.   Given that the Website is hosted by APC and the Mailing List by CPSR,
do you agree to have the Website and List merged?

2.   If you agree to the merging of the website mailing list and website,
would you prefer to have it hosted by an independent server or rely on the
generosity of a like minded organisation?

3.   What mode of fundraising would you prefer from the options listed


The Coordinators are in favour of merging the mailing list and the website
and fundraising to enable the transition. We are also inclined towards
hosting it on an independent server.  The cost is $150US for the Transition
but to continue for 3 years, we are looking at fundraising for $500US.


All in favour for merging the list and website say - AYE (YES)

All in favour of hosting the list and website on an independent server say

All in favour for fundraising say - AYE (YES)





Izumi and Sala (Coordinators)



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