[governance] Is really Bulgarian Cyrillic .бг (.bg) similar to other Latin ccTLDs?

Daniel Kalchev daniel at digsys.bg
Thu Nov 10 02:37:17 EST 2011

On 10.11.11 00:56, Tina Dam wrote:
> My view is to work on other processes and/or selct another string. I
> understand this is not a great solution, and maybe not a solution at
> all, but it is what is available at the moment.

Ok, let's be more specific and public then. A question to both you and 
other participants:

What follows is an excerpt from the IDN Fast Track Implementation Plan, 
19 september 2009.

How would you interpret the following table (5.5).

According to my understanding, we are sitting now, for about 20 months 
at the stage marked (B).

Now my question to you Tina, as the person at ICANN who used to be 
responsible for the design and implementation of the IDN Fast Track: 
please note, without considering ANY specific application. Please.

What follows after "Evaluation not successful, issues encountered"?

1. ICANN staff tells the applicant that they should either chose another 
string or abandon the application.
2. ICANN staff forms "3-member panel is formed and request listed for 
extended evaluation".

I have asked our Government to order the applicant (who happens to be 
Government employee), and they confirmed they have done this --- to ask 
"ICANN staff" (at this time, Tina Dam) to asnwer the question: "why is 
this 3-member panel not engaged to resolve the issue and more 
specifically to follow the process ICANN was instructed to follow".

Tina, I believe this Internet Governance forum deserves your explanation 
of the process.

Please, prove my interpretation of the process wrong.


PS: Just to write it one more time: I do not see the IDN Fast Track 
process as defective or wrong. It is how ICANN implements it, that is 
utterly worrying. It has in fact demonstrated that it can deny the right 
to two (important in cultural and therefore IDN area) countries like 
Bulgaria and Greece to have the IDN TLD of their choice.

PPS: By the way, my Greek colleagues share that same view. But I do hope 
they can express it on their own.

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